Why You Need Call Forwarding to Voicemail

Find out what steps are required to complete the PBX setup and enable recorded voice messages to be sent to voicemail.

CommPeak’s policy requires setting the call forwarding (failover) to the Voicemail for all numbers that are used in our services.

The voicemail gives you a range of advantages:

  • Delivering messages in an alternative way: If the call is not answered, the message will be sent to you anyway.
  • Getting an audio file directly to your voicemail: You receive a message to your voicemail right from your PBX with an attached audio file.
  • Increasing the lifetime of DID numbers: If incoming calls are blocked for your DID number, telecom carriers may block outcoming calls from that number or give it a spam or abuse tag. Please make sure all numbers are accessible for incoming calls, even if calls are forwarded to the voicemail.
    The default inbound configuration in a PBX is the following:
  1. An incoming call is routed to the CommPeak DID number.
  2. When the call is connected to the number, it can be forwarded to IVR, queue, or agent and must have a failover to the voicemail.
    To complete the PBX setup and get recorded voice messages to the voicemail, please provide your email to your CommPeak manager.