Setting Triggers in Zapier

How to set automatic email sending in SendGrid after you receive an incoming SMS via CommPeak.

You can create triggers to send data to Zapier and perform further actions after customers respond to your SMS messages or click links.

You can find more information about triggering Zaps in the Zapier Help Center.

Complete several steps as follows.

Step 1: Start Creating a Zap

  1. On your Zapier home page, click + Create Zap on the left to start.

    Screenshot of the **+ Create Zap** option

    + Create Zap option

  2. The Zapier editor opens with your draft Zap. Modify the name by clicking the pencil icon next to it.

    Screenshot of the  screen with modifying Zap name

    Modifying Zap name

Step 2: Set up a Trigger

  1. Click the trigger step in the editor.

  2. Find CommPeak and select it.

    Screenshot of the screen with setting up trigger

    Setting up trigger

  3. Go to the side panel on the right and click on the Event field to select an action.

    Screenshot of the screen with selecting event action

    Selecting event action

  4. Currently, we support two types of events:

    • an incoming SMS

      Screenshot of the **New Incoming SMS in CommPeak** event dialog: **App & event** step

      New Incoming SMS in CommPeak event dialog: App & event step

    • or Short URL click

      Screenshot of the **New Click on Short URL in CommPeak** event dialog: **App & event** step

      New Click on Short URL in CommPeak event dialog: App & event step

    For our workflow, we must select the New Incoming SMS event. Then click Continue.

  5. Connect to your CommPeak Portal account. To do this, enter your credentials, complete the captcha authentication, and click LOGIN .

    Screenshot of the CommPeak login screen

    CommPeak login screen

  6. Authorize Zapier.

    Screenshot of the authorization dialog

    Authorization dialog

  7. Click Continue.

    Screenshot of the **New Incoming SMS in CommPeak** event dialog: **Account** step

    New Incoming SMS in CommPeak event dialog: Account step

  8. Test your trigger.

    Screenshot of the **New Incoming SMS in CommPeak** event dialog: **Test** step

    New Incoming SMS in CommPeak event dialog: Test step

  9. Select an incoming message record and continue with it.

    Screenshot of the **New Incoming SMS in CommPeak** event dialog: selecting incoming message

    New Incoming SMS in CommPeak event dialog: selecting incoming message

Step 3: Set up an Action

  1. Click the Action step, find SendGrid, and select it.

    Screenshot of the **Action** step

    Action step

  2. Choose the Send Email event.

    Screenshot of the **SendGrid** event dialog: **App & event** step

    SendGrid event dialog: App & event step

  3. Click Sign in to connect your SendGrid account.

    Screenshot of the **Send Email in SendGrid** event dialog: **Account** step

    Send Email in SendGrid event dialog: signing into SendGrid acccount

  4. Enter your API Key from SendGrid and agree to continue in a pop-up window.

    Screenshot of the screen with allowing Zapier access SendGrid account

    Allowing Zapier access SendGrid account

  5. Click Continue.

    Screenshot of the **Send Email in SendGrid** event dialog: **Account** step

    Send Email in SendGrid event dialog: Account step

  6. Complete the fields, then click Continue.

    Screenshot of the **Send Email in SendGrid** event dialog: **Action** fields

    Send Email in SendGrid event dialog: Action fields

  7. Test the step, or skip it for now.

    Screenshot of the **Send Email in SendGrid** event testing

    Send Email in SendGrid event testing

  8. Publish your Zap.

    Screenshot of the **Send Email in SendGrid** event dialog: **Publish** option

    Send Email in SendGrid event dialog: Publish option

    The system will publish and turn it on.

    Screenshot of the **Home** page with published actions

    Home page with published actions