
Follow the step-by-step guide to create your business or personal identity if you wish to purchase DID numbers

Before purchasing DID numbers, it's essential to create identities and ensure that they meet the requirements associated with the numbers you intend to purchase. To be able to purchase a DID, you need to have at least one approved identity.

You have the option to choose between a business and personal identity based on your specific needs:

  • A BUSINESS IDENTITY unlocks a full range of tailored services to cater to companies' unique business requirements.
  • A PERSONAL IDENTITY unlocks a range of tailored services for individuals.
Please note that a personal identity is limited and allows restricted actions.

Creating an Identity

To start creating a new identity:

  1. Log in to your CommPeak Portal account.

  2. Go to the DIDs section in the main menu and select Identities.

    Screenshot with Identities in the main menu

    DIDs > Identities tab

  3. Click Add A New Identity in the top right of the Manage Identities page.

  1. In the New Identity Creation pop-up window, select Business or Personal and proceed depending on your choice.
Screenshot with New Identity Creation pop-up window

New Identity Creation pop-up window: Business tab selected

Business Identity

  1. After you select Business, the pop-up expands with a list of the business information and documents you must provide.
Screenshot with New Identiy Creation pop-up window with Business selected

New Identity Creation pop-up window: Business tab selected

  1. Familiarize yourself with the list, prepare the required documents, then click Proceed at the bottom. You will be redirected to the New Identity Creation page.

  2. In the Identity Details section, Part A, fill in your company name, registration number, VAT, and registered address. ​



    Select your street in the Street drop-down list, and the City and Country fields will populate automatically. Also, if you enter the building number in the street field, the system will insert it into the relevant field.

Screenshot with Identity Details section

New Identity Creation page: identity details

  1. If your physical address differs from the registered one, toggle the switch at the bottom to the right and complete the additional fields provided. ​
Screenshot with physical address details

New Identity Creation page: physical address details



Please remember that in Step 4, you need to submit the proof of address - a document where the address matches either the registered or the physical address you have entered.

  1. In Part B , fill in the name and role of your company’s authorized representative, then click Save And Continue.

    Screenshot with company’s authorized representative details

    New Identity Creation page: authorized company representative details

This will save a draft of your identity, and you will be able to resume its creation later.

  1. In the Email Verification section, enter your email and click Get Code Via Email.

    Screenshot with Email Verification section

    Email address verification section

  2. Check your mailbox for a new email with a six-digit code from CommPeak and copy the code.

    Screenshot with verification code email

    CommPeak DID Identity verification email

  3. Fill the code in for email verification.

    Screenshot with Phone Verification section

    Verification with email address

  4. Click Resend Code if you didn't get an email. You may need to allow the system some time before the next attempt.

  5. In the Phone Verification section, enter your valid phone number to ensure you get a phone call. Select your country code, enter your number, and click Get Code Via Call.

  6. Receive a phone call with a four-digit code and enter the code.

    Screenshot with Phone Verification section - entering the 4-digit code

    Verification with phone number

You can always click Resend Code if you wish to repeat the phone call. You may need to allow the system some time before the next attempt.

  1. In the Supporting Documents section, you need to submit three types of supporting documents. ​



It is crucial that the information in the documents you submit matches the data you have entered in the previous sections.

Please upload your documents individually in the PDF, JPEG, or PNG format by clicking the UPLOAD DOCUMENT. Then click SUBMIT IDENTITY FOR REVIEW .

Screenshot with Supporting Documents section

Submitting identity for review

  1. Confirm your submission. At this step, you can click NO, GO BACK TO EDIT and adjust the data you have entered. If you’re ready to submit your identity, click YES, SUBMIT FOR REVIEW. Please remember that no more changes are possible after you click the Yes button.
Screenshot with Submit New Identity for Review pop-up

Confirming submission

  1. The system will show a confirmation message.
Screenshot with a confirmation message

Submission confirmation screen

After clicking Got It, you return to the Manage Identities page to monitor the status of your submission. You will also receive a confirmation by email. Reviewing time is up to 48 hours.

Personal Identity

If you select Personal, the pop-up expands with a list of the personal information and documents you must provide.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the list, prepare the required documents, and then click Proceed at the bottom. You will be redirected to the New Identity Creation page.

  2. In the Identity Details section, Part A, fill in your personal address. ​



    Select your street in the Street drop-down list, and the City and Country fields will populate automatically. Also, if you enter the building number in the street field, the system will insert it into the relevant field.



    Please remember that in Step 4, you need to submit the proof of address - a document where the address matches the personal address you have entered.

    Screenshot with Identity Details section - personal identity

    New Identity Creation page: identity details

  3. In Part B, fill in your first and last name, then click Save And Continue.

Screenshot with personal identity details

Personal identity details

  1. This will save a draft of your identity, and you will be able to resume its creation later.

  2. In the Email Verification section, enter your email and click Get Code Via Email.

  3. Check your mailbox for a new email with a six-digit code from CommPeak and copy the code.

    Screenshot with verification code email - personal identity

    CommPeak DID Identity verification email

  4. Fill the code in for email verification.

    Click Resend Code if you didn't get an email. You may need to allow the system some time before the next attempt.

  5. In the Phone Verification section, enter your valid phone number to ensure you get a phone call. Select your country code, enter your number, and click Get Code Via Call.​

    Screenshot with Phone Verification section - personal identity

    Verification with email address

  6. Receive a phone call with a four-digit code and enter the code.

    Screenshot with entering 4-digit verification code - personal identity

    Verification with phone number

    You can always click Resend Code if you wish to repeat the phone call. You may need to allow the system some time before the next attempt.

  7. In the Supporting Documents section, you need to submit two types of supporting documents. ​



    It is crucial that the information in the documents you submit matches the data you have entered in the previous sections.

    Please upload your documents individually in the PDF, JPEG, or PNG format by clicking the UPLOAD DOCUMENT. Then click SUBMIT IDENTITY FOR REVIEW .

    Screenshot with Supporting Documents section - personal identity

    Submitting identity for review

  8. Confirm your submission. At this step, you can click NO, GO BACK TO EDIT and adjust the data you have entered. If you’re ready to submit your identity, click YES, SUBMIT FOR REVIEW. Please remember that no more changes are possible after you click the Yes button.

  9. The system will show a confirmation message.

    Screenshot with confirmation message - personal identity

    Submission confirmation screen

    After clicking Got It, you return to the Manage Identities page to monitor the status of your submission. You will also receive a confirmation by email. Reviewing time is up to 48 hours.

Submission Status

  • Draft: you started the submission process but haven’t completed all the steps. Click the edit icon to renew the process.
  • Pending review: the identity has been submitted and is under review by the CommPeak Compliance team, which takes up to 48 hours.
  • Accepted: the CommPeak Compliance team approved your identity, and you are ready to order DID numbers and associate them with this identity.
  • Update Required: The CommPeak Compliance team returned the submitted identity, and you are required to modify it. You will also receive an email with details about the updates needed.
  • Declined: the CommPeak Compliance team rejected your identity.
  • Archived: if you start editing an identity with the Accepted status, it becomes archived, and a new identity is created above the archived one.

Managing Identities

The Managing Identities page contains a table with all identities you’ve submitted or started to add.​

You can see identity details, linked DIDs, process steps, and statuses here.

If the identity status is Update Required , check the buttons in the Process Steps column. If any button is in red, it indicates there is an issue in the related step.

On the right, there are icons for actions. You can do the following:

Delete your identity unless it’s pending for review.

Delete button

Delete button

Modify the identity.

Edit button

Edit button

View identity details.

If you wish to download the provided documents, click the links in the Submitted Documents field. A message with a download link will be sent to the verified identity email. The link is available for 48 hours.

To make any changes to your accepted identity:

  1. Click the edit icon on the right.

  2. Confirm your intention by clicking Edit.

    Screenshot with a confimation message to edit identity

    Do you want to edit your identity? dialog window

  3. Make changes on any step and click Submit Identity for Review to resubmit it.

  4. You will get a confirmation in a pop-up window. The status of the identity will revert to Pending Review again. The previous version of the identity will be set to Archived .

  5. You will be able to use your identity after it is reviewed and the status of your identity changes to _Accepted_a gain.



You can click the edit button if you need to upload additional documents or replace the current ones.
Navigate to Step 4, where you can re-upload documents or attach any additional required documentation.

Extended Verification

The compliance team may request additional verification beyond the client's uploaded identity documents. In such cases, they will require the client to undergo a KYC (Know Your Customer) process for additional verification. KYC, short for "Know Your Customer," is a standard procedure to verify the identity of clients and assess potential risks of illegal intentions.

Go to the KYC Instructions article to learn how to perform the entire KYC flow.

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