Get familiar with the PBX Stats dashboard, your account's homepage, which provides a summary of key statistics such as call volumes, durations, and agent performance, along with interactive graphs and charts.
The Dashboard is the homepage of your PBX Stats account. Here you can see the main statistics of your CloudPBXfor the selected period (today by default).
The statistics include:
Total number of inbound and outbound calls
Total number of inbound and outbound calls
ACD, the average duration of inbound and outbound calls
Average duration of inbound and outbound calls
The percentage of bridged (connected) inbound calls and successful outbound calls
Percentage of bridged inbound calls and successful outbound calls
Bridged and non-bridged inbound calls
Bridged and non-bridged inbound call statistics
Answered and unanswered outbound calls
Answered and unanswered outbound call statistics
Inbound and outbound call statistics graph
Inbound and outbound call statistics graph
The list of top five agents. By default, it shows the most successful agents by the number of calls made. To sort the results by a different criterion, click the header of the respective column.
Top five agents list
Call duration graph
Call duration graph
Queue summary graph
Queue summary graph
SLA (Service Level A) box - the percentage of inbound calls answered within one minute.
Percentage of inbound calls answered within one minute
Updated 5 days ago