Managing Messages
Learn how to manage SMS Campaign or Streams API messages.
Access Campaigns, Streams, or Incoming tabs to view respective messages.

Messages page
Message Filtering
Use filters at the top to search by specific parameters.
By default, the present day is selected in the Date field. Remove the selected date to show all messages or enter a date range using the interactive calendar.
For messages sent in campaigns, select the needed option(s) in the Clicks drop-down list to display all messages with clicked Short URL or Opt out URL in specific campaigns.

Campaigns tab
Enter or select the necessary values in the filter fields and click Search. To cancel filtering, click Clear.
The total number of messages that satisfy selected filters is shown above each list.
Quick Send
Click Send New Message in the top-right corner to generate a new SMS via one of your streams API.
Select a stream and a sender ID in the drop-down lists, enter the subscriber's phone number and message content, and click Send Message.

Send Message dialog
If you haven't created any stream yet, no item will be available in the Stream API drop-down list.
Downloading Messages
You can download your messages as a .csv file. To do so, select the messages, click Export selected above the table, and save the file. If preparing a file takes longer than 5 seconds, a file ready for download will appear in Tasks.

Export selected option
Updated 5 days ago