From the Inbox main menu, multiple inbox agents and/or managers can access the Inbox dashboard to concurrently view and manage the same team conversation, provided they have the corresponding Inbox role permissions.
To access and manage the conversations from the spaces and teams assigned to your account, you must hold the corresponding Inbox role.
A click on the conversation will open the timeline box containing the history of all its messages and events.
Every Inbox conversation has a platform icon (SMS, WhatsApp, or Telegram) shown next to its name, both on the Conversations list and in the conversation timeline.
Inbox conversations dashboard
Below, the message box with the editor is shown where you can write messages to customers or leave internal notes for other agents.
The sidebarDetails section on the right contains contact data and information about the conversation assignments and tags.
Creating New Conversations
To create a new conversation:
Click the plus button next to your account name.
Create new conversation button
In the New conversation dialog box, click to select the sender and assigned team from the drop-down menus, then enter the phone number.
New conversation dialog box: conversation details
Inbox agents have no access to the Settings page and can manage conversations only where they can view the name of the sender profile, not the senders it contains.
Therefore, when starting a new conversation, an agent can select the sender profile only and the system automatically selects one of its senders based on the country and the daily limit.
Click Next.
Provide the message text and click Send Message.
New conversation dialog box: message text editor
The message is sent, and the conversation is added to the Conversations list.
Conversation Timeline
In the conversation timeline box, agents can review the history of this conversation in chronological order, including:
all messages shown with the time stamp and their status (Sent, Read, etc.)
badges with information about any past event, for example, changing status or adding tags
internal notes shown with the time stamp
avatars of the agents involved in the conversation.
Inbox conversation timeline and message editor
Managing Messages
Below the conversation timeline is the message box, where inbox agents can write messages to customers under the Sender Profile tab or switch to the Internal note tab to leave notes for other agents or managers.
Switching between the Sender Profile and Internal note tabs
Internal notes can only be accessed by the agents assigned with the corresponding Inbox Role Permissions.
While writing your message, you can also select to do the following (left to right):
attach a file (only for WhatsApp and Telegram messages)
insert an emoji.
When finished, click to send the message. If needed, you can undo sending.
Message sending Undo button
In the Details section, you can:
create and manage inbox contacts
assign or reassign conversations to teams and agents
create and edit conversation tags.
Managing Contacts
To create a new inbox contact:
Expand the Contact Data section and click Create Contact.
Create Contact button
In the dialog window, provide the required contact data.
Contact data fields
Click Save Contact.
To edit an existing inbox contact:
Expand the Contact Data section and click Edit.
Editing contact data
In the dialog window, update the contact data.
Updating contact data
Click Save Changes.
Managing Conversation Assignments
To edit conversation assignments:
Expand the Conversation Assignment section and click Edit.
Click to open the drop-down menus and select the teams and agents you want to assign to this conversation.
Editing conversation assignment
Click Save Changes.
Managing Conversation Tags
To edit conversation tags:
Expand the Conversation tags section and click Edit.
Click to open the drop-down menu and select the tags you want to add.
Adding conversation tags
Click Save Changes.
Saving added tags
The tags are saved and can be used in conversations.
Filtering Conversations
To sort conversations, select one of the following options:
All conversations - review all conversations available to them
Assigned to me - review the conversations that are assigned to them only
Closed - review the conversations closed by them.
Conversation sorting options
If several teams are created under your account, you can review conversations assigned to the specific team by selecting the needed team under Teams.
Selecting teams
If an agent belons to multiple spaces, they can switch between them by clicking the bottom arrow button and selecting the needed space from the drop-down list.
Switching between spaces
You will see the list of the sorted conversations in the Conversations menu on the right. Every conversation is shown with the platform icon (SMS, WhatsApp, or Telegram), contact name/number, last message, and a three-dot menu button to update the conversation status.
Conversation Statuses
Every new conversation started from TextPeak API, CommPeak Dialer, or TextPeak SMS Campaign is automatically generated with the Unanswered status. Once the contact answers the message, its status updates to Active, and the conversation is automatically added to the Active tab, ready to be processed by the agent.
To additionally filter your conversations by statuses, select one of the four tabs:
All - review all conversations available
Active - review the conversations that are currently active
Unanswered - review the unanswered conversations
Closed - review the closed conversations.
Conversations Statuses Tabs
You can search conversations by contact name or message text. You can also filter to show conversations with unread messages by clicking the button next to the Search field. A list of conversations will be returned, each with the platform label (SMS, WhatsApp, or Telegram), contact name or number, date, and the label showing the number of unread messages.
Search field and Filter button
To update the conversation status from the Conversations list, hover over a conversation, click the three-dot menu button on the right, and select the new status to assign it to the conversation.
Assigning a new status to conversation
You can also update the status from the conversation thread box by clicking the arrow button and selecting the new status to assign to the conversation.
Updating conversation status
You cannot change the active or closed conversation's status back to Unanswered.