Messaging Logs
Monitor SMS and email messages sent to leads with the Messaging Logs report. Filter and view sent messages, manage undelivered ones, and export the report in CSV or Excel format.
The Messaging Logs report includes information on SMS or email messages dispatched to leads, allowing you to resend or dismiss messages that were not successfully delivered.
Learn how to enable the SMS or email sending feature.
You can view all SMS messages in your CommPeak Portal account with details about the date, destination number, message status, and other information.
To view the Messaging Logs report:
Go to Reports > Messaging Integrations and switch to the Messaging Logs tab.
Set one or more filters in the Search Records by Filter. For example, select SMS or Mail in Type, or remove the selection to view both message types. You can also search by lead ID or message status.
Messaging Logs tab
Click Search.
For the SMS communication type, you can select the Personalized Message option in Template Name to show if the agent modified the SMS message body before sending it.
If you select only this option, you can see all modified SMS messages:

Selecting personalized messages
Selecting it with specific templates will display all modified SMS messages from those templates.

Selecting personalized messages for specific templates
After you apply the search filters, the system will show you a list of the last 100 records. Click Export To, then select CSV or Excel to save the report in one of the formats. This will create a new task for the system to generate a file. The file will be available for download in Reports >Task Logs when the task has been completed.

Report table
Refer to the following table for column explanations.
Column | Description |
All | Select the checkbox in the header row to select all, or choose messages individually. Then, you can apply one of the mass actions below the message list and click Process. For example, you can re-send or dismiss all failed SMS messages due to insufficient balance: |
ID | The message ID |
Lead ID | The ID of the lead in the system |
Campaign Lead ID | The unique lead ID in the campaign |
Adapter ID | The ID of the adapter in the system, as you can have multiple mail or SMS adapters |
Record Type | SMS or Mail |
Tenant | The Dialer name |
Identifier | Email or SMS message identifier |
Template | The name of the template used for sending the message. The template is added to the communication adapter and contains the sender ID, message body, and other information. If the SMS message body was edited before sending, the personalized message indicator will appear next to the template name. NOTE: If you want to show all SMS messages with template bodies modified by the agent before sending, select the Personalized Message option in the Template Name drop-down list. |
Data | Message data |
Status | Mail: Failed _or _Sent SMS: Queued, Sent, Delivered, Failed, Failed - out of balance |
Created at | Message creation date. |
Updated 6 days ago