Installing a Connection Between Hubspot and CommPeak
Create a connection with Hubspot from the marketplace or CommPeak SMS platform.
You can start your integration with CommPeak by installing CommPeak from the HubSpot App Marketplace. If you have an active account in CommPeak SMS platform, you can also initiate the installation from its Integrations page.
Option 1: HubSpot App Marketplace
Go to HubSpot App Marketplace.
Log in to your HubSpot account. Enter your email address registered with HubSpot and proceed further.
HubSpot login screen
Select an account to continue.
Account selection screen
Use the search prompt to find CommPeak.
Using search prompt
Click Install app.
Install app button
Select your account in HubSpot and click Choose Account.
Choosing account confirmation screen
Click Connect app.
Allowing CommPeak access HubSpot account
Click Authorize.
Authorization confirmation screen
Option 2: Integrations in CommPeak SMS platform
Click Integrations in the main menu on the left.
Integrations tab
Click Set New Connection in the top right.
Set New Connection button
Click HubSpot in a pop-up window.
Setting new HubSpot connection
Select your account in HubSpot and click Choose Account.
Choosing account confirmation screen
Click Connect app.
Allowing CommPeak access HubSpot account
Click Authorize.
Authorization confirmation screen
You will see new integration after you return to the CommPeak SMS platform. We recommend renaming it for better use on other pages, e.g., when creating contact lists.
Integrations page
After you've installed the CommPeak app, you can configure the following integrations:
- HubSpot and CommPeak SMS
- Import contacts from HubSpot to CommPeak SMS
- HubSpot and CommPeak Dialer Click2Call.
If you decide to uninstall the CommPeak app from your HubSpot account later, do so as follows. This will not affect your HubSpot data in any way.
In your HubSpot home page, navigate to Settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right.
Settings button
Go to Integrations > Connected Apps.
Find CommPeak, then expand Actions and click Uninstall.
Integrations > Connected Apps: Uninstall option
Updated 5 days ago