Network Monitor Pinger
Сheck your connection quality with Network Monitor - Pinger: measure latency and packet loss between CommPeak servers and your IP address, helping you identify issues on either side.
Network Monitor - Pinger lets you check the quality of your connection by measuring Network Latency and packet loss. It helps define if possible issues happen on CommPeak's or on your side. The solution monitors ping statistics between CommPeak servers and your IP address.
In the CommPeak Portal, go to Help and Support in the main menu and click the Network Monitor - Pinger tab.

Network Monitor in the main menu

Network monitoring page
Adding a New IP
You can add a new IP to test as follows:
Click a plus sign next to the number of hosts.
Adding a new IP for monitoring
In the pop-up window, fill out the fields as follows:
In the Host IP (IPv4) field, specify the IP address you want to monitor.
Optionally, enter the name for the IP address in the Host Alias field.
Select CommPeak's servers to test your connection.
Adding a new IP - settings
Click ADD IP.
To be able to use the network monitor, you should allow ICMP echo requests and replies between the IPs of the selected CommPeak servers and your IP.
You will see the IPs for the needed servers as soon as you make your selection in the Servers field.
A new window for the IP entered will appear on the page.

IP address monitoring section
When you hover your mouse over the window, the following actions become available:
Expand - opens the graph and statistics on a separate page in the fullscreen mode. Please see the detailed description of the fullscreen mode below.
Share - copies the link for sharing the statistics with anyone
Edit - lets you change the host alias and select other servers
Remove - removes the window if you no longer need to monitor the IP.
Controls in the IP monitoring section
Detailed Statistics in Fullscreen Mode
When you expand the needed window to the fullscreen mode, you will see advanced statistics for your connection.
In the main section, you can:
Select the timeframe for viewing the statistics. Choose one of the predefined options, click the down arrow to expand the calendar, and pick the custom start and end dates.
Selecting the timeframe for viewing the statistics
Change the graph view in various ways by switching the toggles:
Changing the graph view
- -/+ - Expand or reduce the displayed latency range.
- Basic/Smoke - choose if you want a quick and simplified view of your data or if you wish an advanced and deep insight
- Normal/High - make the output more or less detailed
- LOCAL/UTC - view results in your local time or UTC.
Click STATS to expand advanced packet count and loss statistics.
You will see packet loss percentage groups displayed in different colors. Click the percentage value to see the packet loss in the respective color on the graph.

Viewing the packet loss
In the Traceroute section, you can select a point in the timeline and view the detailed pathway of the packets from source to destination in the Traceroute History section below. For each hop within the route, you will see the IP of the network device, AS (autonomous system) number, and hostname, packet loss percentage, and average, best and worst latency.
To view even more details for an AS in a new window, click the AS number at the top right.

Viewing extended network statistics
To return from the fullscreen mode to viewing all IPs, click BACK TO ALL IPS at the top left of the page.
Updated 12 days ago