Duplicates Management

Manage duplicate leads: view, download, and delete duplicates from lead files.

The Duplicates Management functionality lets you check if you have uploaded the same lead more than once and delete the duplicates.

You can manage duplicate leads under Leads & Campaigns > Duplicates Management.

Viewing Duplicate Leads

On the Duplicate Leads tab, you will see the list of files containing duplicate leads, the campaigns they are assigned to, and the duplicate lead count in the file.

Use the filter above the table to select the required lead file from the drop-down list, and then click Show duplicates stats.

Screenshot of the Duplicate Leads tab

The Duplicate Leads tab

On the Duplicate Leads Management tab, you will see details about each duplicate lead:

  • original ID and duplicate ID
  • the lead file it comes from
  • the name, phone number, and country of the lead
  • the campaigns it is assigned to
  • errors (if any).

In the Actions column, click the icon to see comments related to the lead.

The filter lets you select the required lead file from the drop-down list.

To download the list of duplicate leads, click Download as CSV.

Screenshot of the Duplicate Leads Management tab

The Duplicate Leads Management tab



You can navigate to the Duplicate Leads Management page if you go to Leads & Campaigns > Lead Files and on a line for the needed lead file, expand the Select Option menu in the Actions column and click Duplicates.

Screenshot of Duplicates in lead file actions

Duplicates in lead file actions

Deleting Duplicate Leads

Deleting duplicate leads is available both from the Duplicate Leads and Duplicate Leads Management tabs.

To delete selected duplicate leads:

  1. Place the checkmarks next to the leads (or lead files) you want to delete.

  2. Next to Do action with selected, choose Delete duplicates of shown leads (original) to remove the duplicates from one or more files in which they are found, or Delete shown lead (original) from leads' file to delete the leads from the file in which these leads were initially uploaded.

  3. Click Selected.

    Screenshot of deleting duplicates of selected leads

    Deleting duplicates of selected leads

To delete all duplicate leads:

  1. Next to Do action with all, select Delete duplicates of shown leads (original) to remove the duplicates from one or more files in which they are found, or Delete shown lead (original) from leads' file to delete the leads from the file in which these leads were initially uploaded.

  2. Click All.

    Screenshot of deleting duplicates of all leads

    Deleting duplicates of all leads