Guide to Campaign Parameters

Customize campagins in CommPeak Dialer according to your needs.

This article describes how to customize campaigns according to your needs. For more information on campaigns, lead statuses, rules, and other campaign-related content, please take a look at the Campaigns article.

To edit a campaign, go to the Campaigns or All Campaigns page, expand the group the needed campaign belongs to, and on the line for the campaign, click Frequent in the Actions column and select Edit.

The Edit page contains multiple sections that allow you to customize various campaign parameters. Below, we mainly describe the default settings for each functionality. If you need more information on other options, please don't hesitate to contact the support team.

Basic Settings

The basic campaign parameters are available at the top of the Edit page.

Basic settings

Basic settings

NameYou can enter any text to identify the campaign quickly. It will be displayed on the Campaigns page.
DescriptionYou can enter any text and provide additional information about the campaign visible when editing it.
Caller ID RandomThe system will make calls from different phone numbers (DID numbers) each time. There have to be multiple numbers that match each country for this option to work. We recommend enabling this option.
ActiveWhen this check box is selected, the campaign is active and can be used to call leads. Uncheck it to disable the campaign.
Phone number masking enabled?If enabled, the system will applyPhone Number Masking if the user has no permission to see it.
Show only first or last digits of phone numberIf you select this option, the lead will see only the agent's phone number's first or last digits. Define the number of digits in the field below. Enter 0 _or _none to show no digits. To complete the configuration, contact our support team or your account manager.
Show first or last digitsIf you enable the setting above, also select an option from the dropdown box.

Feedback Page Settings

These settings relate to the feedback page available to the agent after the call.

Feedback page settings

Feedback page settings

Feedback page timeoutSet how many seconds the feedback page will be available to the agent after the call to choose a status and write a comment. We recommend a value from 120 to 300 sec.
Feedback Default StatusThe system will assign this status to the lead if the agent allows the feedback page to run out. The initial setting is Default Status (choose status).
Redial LimitSet how many times the agent is allowed to redial from the feedback page if a call disconnects, usually from 1 to 5.

Permanent Assignment Settings

These parameters relate to the permanent lead assignment.

If a lead is permanently assigned to a certain agent, no other agent will be able to dial this lead.

Assigned leads are displayed on the Scheduled Calls tab under Workspace -> Contacts.

Agent permanent lead assignment settings

Agent permanent lead assignment settings

Default permanent assignment expiration daysThe time period the system will leave the lead assigned to the agent. We recommend a range of 7-30 days.
Permanent Expiration activatedLeave this check box clear.
Permanent assignment expiration days after callback timeIt should be equal to or smaller than the default value. The system uses this option if the callback time does not match the agent's shift hours or the agent is busy. It defines the number of days the lead will be assigned to an agent from when the callback date has passed.
Permanent assignment expiration days if agent is offlineThis field is meant for leads assigned to agents who are offline for a long time. After these many days, the leads will return to the general pool. We recommend a minimum of 5 days and no more than 30 days.
Permanent assignment 12-hours limit per agentThis is the number of leads the agents are allowed to assign to themselves within any given shift. We recommend a number no higher than 50.
Permanent assignment total limit per agentThis is the number of leads the agents are allowed to assign to themselves in total. We recommend a number no higher than 150.

Default Client Caller ID

You can set a number the lead will see when being called by an agent in the Dialer. Choose one of the numbers in the drop-down list - it contains the DID numbers that you have purchased.

Default client Caller ID

Default client Caller ID



Please check periodically that the number you have selected is still in the list of your DIDs.

Agent Caller ID

You can set a number and name the lead will see when being called for a personal meeting in the Dialer. For a number, use a real DID number. For a name, set either a generic name or a brand name.

Agent Caller ID

Agent Caller ID



Please check periodically that the number you have selected is still in the list of your DIDs.

Lead Fetch Settings

In this section, you can define how leads are fetched to a particular campaign (randomly, based on priority, or based on timezone).



The support team configures these parameters for you according to your preferences. It is recommended that you leave the configuration as it is.

Direct Dial Settings

This section defines the behavior of hot leads in the campaign. Hot leads are the leads that will move to the top of the calling queue.



The support team configures these parameters for you according to your preferences to define online and hot leads.
We provide the descriptions below for explanation purposes only. It is recommended that you leave the configuration as it is.

Direct dial settings

Direct dial settings

Direct dial weight (will always get to the call queue)The minimum weight that will define a lead as a hot lead. The default sum is 10000.
Direct dial ratio 1 weight level (0 - disabled), below this will be dialed with ratioThis field relates to leads with a 1:1 ratio. These are the leads with Call Again Personal and Dropped Calls statuses. If you enter some weight value in this field, the system won't treat such leads with lower weight as hot ones and dial them based on a ratio as other leads.
Direct dial statusAny Available is the default option that will use the current status of the lead.
Notify user when his permanent assigned lead becomes onlineThe agent will receive a notification that their permanent assignment lead is online and becomes a hot lead.

Call Hours

This section defines the hours in which agents are allowed to call leads from each country.

The calling time is defined in each country's local time zone.

One line is always available here by default, which sets the same calling hours for all countries.

You can modify the hours here, but you should keep this line.

Call hour settings

Call hour settings

Adding Call Hours

Click Add if you need to set other call hours for specific countries. When setting calling hours, follow these rules:

  • It is mandatory to choose default calling hours for all countries.
  • Provide the settings according to the lead's local time.
  • Set the time in a 24-hour format without AM or PM. For example, 8 means 8 a.m., while 20 means 8 p.m.
  • Convert minutes to hours. You can enter up to half an hour only (.5), e.g., 8.5 means 8 hours 30 minutes in the morning.



For countries with several timezones, e.g., Australia, the system will recognize the exact timezone using the lead phone number.

Converting to Local Time

The controls on the right allow you to convert the calling hours for specific countries to the local time of your choice.

To automatically convert the calling hours to a different timezone:

  1. Select the timezone from the drop-down list on the right.

    Converting call hours to different timezone

    Converting call hours to different timezone

  2. Check the converted time on the right.

    Viewing converted time

    Viewing converted time

Progressive Dialer Settings

If the Auto Dial Leads option is turned on, agents can make calls based on a fixed list set per agent. Clients do not use this option, as it is not the purpose of the Dialer.

Progressive dialer settings

Progressive dialer settings

Predictive Dialer Settings

Predictive dialer settings

Predictive dialer settings



This section defines the general call settings and system statuses if there is no answer, the subscriber is busy, etc.

Before you modify these settings, you can contact our support or your account manager.

Show End Call button after this amount of seconds of callBy default, it is set to 5 seconds. When this many seconds of the call pass, the system will provide an option to the agent to end the call. It will allow agents to hang up if the lead is not interested completely.
Max Allowed Ringing DurationBy default, it is set to 30. This is the maximum amount of time the call will ring before hung up.
Call Origination TimeoutBy default, it is set to 60 seconds. This is the maximum amount of time to wait without the call connecting (no ring).
Default Timeout StatusThis field defines which status the lead will get if there is no answer (after Max Allowed Ringing Duration time runs out).
Default Busy StatusThis field defines which status the lead will get if the line is busy.
Default Error StatusThis field defines which status the lead will get if there is no ring (after the Call Origination Timeout time runs out).
Default Fax StatusThis option is no longer used.

Predictive Duration Beeps

This section allows setting beep sounds to inform agents that they have been on the call for too long.

Click Add Duration Beep, insert a time interval, and define sound parameters using the controls on the right.

Predictive duration beeps

Predictive duration beeps

Dropped Call Settings

You can define which status the lead will get in case of a dropped call when there is no agent to receive the call. Next time when calling the same lead, the system will ensure there is an available agent.

The default dropped call status is System Answer Dropped.

Dropped call settings

Dropped call settings

Dropped Call StatusThe status the lead will get when the call is dropped.
Playback file while searching for available agentUpload an audio file that will be played to leads once the lead has answered and there is no available agent.
Timeout for searching for available agentThis is how long a call will be online once the lead has answered and no agent is available. You can set it to a few seconds.
Predictive Dropped Call ActionThis option defines what action to take if a call is dropped. The default option Hangup call (no options need) is to hang up and call back when an agent is available.
Predictive Dropped Call Action OptionsThis setting is not used.
Number of seconds to wait till fall to default actionThis setting is not used.



The support team configures these parameters for you according to your preferences. For more information, contact our support or your account manager.

Hold Settings

You can allow agents to place leads on hold. You can also upload an audio file the lead will listen to while on hold.



If you wish to enable these settings, contact our support team, or your account manager for assistance.

Hold settings

Hold settings

Voicemail Settings

The Voicemail settings define what should happen if there is a voicemail from a client.

Voicemail settings - part 1

Voicemail settings - part 1

Voicemail settings - part 2

Voicemail settings - part 2

Upload a VOICEMAIL playback file (mp3 file will be converted to wav)You can upload an audio file to play in case the call reaches voicemail.
Play Voicemail playbackSelect an option from the dropdown list to play the recording when a call reaches a voicemail of any given lead.
Default Voice Mail StatusSelect a status the lead will get when the call is answered by voice mail.
Voice Mail Button Status *optionalThe agent will assign a selected voicemail status by pressing the voicemail button. By default, it is not selected, which means that the system will take the Default Voice Mail Status field's status.
Hide Voicemail button when dialing to Permanently Assigned LeadIf you select this option, the agents won't be able to mark leads with Call Again - Personal status as voice mail.
Hide VoiceMail button after this amount of seconds of callThis field defines in how many seconds the system will deactivate the voice mail button for agents. You can set it to 30 or above.
Show VoiceMail button after this amount of seconds of callThis field defines in how many seconds the system will start showing the voice mail button to agents.
AMD TypeAnswering Machine Detection (AMD) is an optional free feature that enables automatic detection of voicemail. It allows recognition of about 85% of all machine answer cases.Please contact your account manager or open a support ticket to enable this feature or for more information.
AMD/BEEP Max DurationFor more information, please contact your account manager or open a support ticket.

Remote Leads Data Settings

This section defines which information about each lead will be available to agents.



The support team configures these settings according to your preferences. For more information, contact our support or your account manager.

DNC Settings

This section refers to additional Do-Not-Call service.



To enable this service or for more information, contact our support or your account manager.

Speech Recognition Settings

This section refers to speech recognition or speech-to-text, which is a paid service. You can choose which side you wish to transcribe - lead only, agent only, or both sides.



To enable this service or for more information, contact our support or your account manager.