The Call Records List report provides detailed call data with options for filtering, sorting, downloading as CSV, and listening to call recordings directly from the platform.
The Call Records List report provides detailed data on all the calls made using the Dialer. On the report page, you have numerous data filtering and sorting options, can download the results as a .csv file, and listen to call recordings.
Call Record List report
Generating the Report
To open the report, click Reports > Call Records List.
Call Records List in the Reports menu
To limit the pool of displayed results:
Use one or more filters under Search Calls by Filter.
If you need more filter options, you can expand the advanced search. For example, you can search by various attributes, such as Speech-to-Text, AMD, Beep, Incoming IVR, or other attributes.
Report filters
You can hide some columns in the results and change their order according to your preferences. Click Configure Columns in the bottom right corner. Then drag and drop boxes to rearrange the columns and click Save changes.
Report columns
If you don't have the Configure Columns options, you can contact the support team or your account manager to enable it for you.
After applying all the needed filtering and sorting, click Search, and the results will be displayed in the table below.
Click Export To to save the report in the CSV or EXCEL format. This will create a new task for the system to generate a file. When the task has been completed, the file will be available for download in Reports > Task Logs.
Report Columns Explained
Report columns example
The call ID. Click the ID to show a recording link you can share with a third party.
NOTE: To use this feature, allow call recording public links in Settings > General Settings > Access Control Lists and allowlist your IP address.
Lead ID
The ID of the lead in the system
Call Type
Displays the type of the call: predictive, manual, etc.
Start at
Date and time when the call started
The customer’s name. You can click it to open the lead's page.
Original Identifier
Lead identifier used in the CRM
The campaign the call is related to the group the calling agent is related to
Lead Status
The status assigned to the call after its completion If a manager was tagged in the call, a question mark appears next to the status:
Click on the question mark to see details and when the manager entered and left the call.
Caller User
The agent’s name
Call duration, including the ringing time
Bill Duration
Duration after the call was answered
The party that ended the call: the customer, the agent, or the system
Caller ID
The agent’s phone number displayed to the customer
The customer’s phone number
Shows if the call was successful (OK) or not (Fail). The following icons provide additional information:
- the call was recognized as a human - the call was recognized as a machine - speech recognition is available - conference call - the whisper feature was used - the call was transferred - the agent rated the call
Click the button to play the recorded call, view extended data about it, and/or download it.
More information about using the recording player is available in the section below.
Viewing Call Rating
If agents rate calls or submit call issues, the call rating icon is shown in the status column. Click the icon to see the timestamp and description of the issue.
Timestamp and description of the call issue
You can filter calls with issues using the Call Rate drop-down list in search options.
Call Rate drop-down list
Using the Audio Player
The dedicated audio player lets you listen to call recordings, view extended data about your calls, and download audio files.
Click Play Record in the Listen column to view the audio player.
Audio player
Above the player, you will see the following information about the call:
Call ID
Call date and time
You can use the player buttons for various actions.
Start or pause the playback
Skip to later or earlier moments in the recording
Turn off/on the volume
Split the recording into the lead's and agent's tracks
The split track
Change the playback speed
If the recording has attributes, such as Conference, Transfer, Whisper, or Speech Recognition, the start of the attribute use will be marked with the Start or Added icon on the timeline, and the completion will be marked with the End icon.
The start icon
The end icon
To get more information about the recording, click Extended Data at the top right.
You will see a detailed call event log.
Call event log
If the recording has several attributes, you will see the event log for each attribute on a separate tab.
Event log with call attributes
By clicking on an active timestamp in the event log, you can play the recording from the moment corresponding to the timestamp.
On the Speech to Texttab, you can search by the relevant phrase.