Using My Lookups and Results
View past lookups and lookup statistics and find detailed information about each phone number.
My Lookups
The My Lookups tab displays lookups made in the last 30 days. To view the lookups, expand LookUp in the left pane and click My Lookups.

My Lookups in the main menu
Also, you can see statistics on the total number checked, the number of mobile and unknown format numbers, and the total cost. To receive the most accurate results, apply search filters.

Recent Lookups page
The table with your lookups contains the following columns:
Column Name | Description |
Reference | Click the name of the lookup list to move to the Results tab and view its results |
Time | The time when you have submitted the lookup |
Numbers | Amount of numbers within the selected lookup |
Completed | The status of the uploaded file |
Invalid Numbers | Numbers defined as invalid (unknown format) |
Lookup Type | It can be the validation tool or the full HLR lookup |
Actions | The actions are Export and Delete. You can apply them to any selected lookup in the table. To apply these actions to multiple lookups, select them in the list and click Export selected or Delete selected above the table. Please note that canceled lookups cannot be exported. |
The Results tab displays the results of submissions you have previously made. Expand Lookup in the left pane to display the lookups and click Results.

Lookup Results in the main menu
You can apply search filters and view lookup statistics.

My Results page
Refer to the following table for column explanations:
Column Name | Description |
Number | The inspected phone number |
Lookup | Displays a list name used for a bulk request or phone number for a single number lookup |
Check Type | - hlr- full lookup - validation - validation only |
Date | Date and time of the check in UTC |
Country | The country of origin of the inspected phone number |
Type | Phone number types: - Fixed Line - Mobile - Fixed Line or Mobile - in some regions (e.g., the USA), it is impossible to distinguish between fixed-line and mobile numbers by looking at the phone number itself - Toll-Free - Premium Rate - Shared Cost - the cost of this call is shared between the caller and the recipient and is hence typically less than premium rate calls - VOIP- Voice over IP numbers, including TSoIP (Telephony Service over IP) - Personal Number - a personal number is associated with a particular person and may be routed to either a mobile or fixed-line number - Pager - UAN - Universal Access Number (sometimes referred to as 'Company Number'); such numbers may be further routed to specific offices - Voicemail - Voicemail Access Number - Unknown - the phone number does not fit any of the known patterns for a specific region |
Valid? | Indicates whether the phone number is valid |
Reason | Contains additional information for HLR statuses other than Active |
HLR Status | Possible statuses are as follows. You can find more information in the Reason column. - Active - the number is currently linked to a network and is under a paid subscription. If the target phone number is linked to a SIM card, it will not appear as Active unless the SIM card is inserted into a phone. NOTE: This HLR status does not guarantee callability because it can be affected by factors like the number being suspended or blocked, network issues, or undergoing porting. - Absent - the number is not reachable; this can be due to a loss in connection or the phone being switched off - Failed - this status can appear due to the following reasons: HLR unavailability - the HLR server may be temporarily unavailable or overloaded, which can prevent the system from querying it, or Invalid phone number- if the phone number provided for the lookup is incorrect or invalid, the HLR might fail to find a matching result - Unknown - we were unable to retrieve a conclusive status for the number; this can be because the number itself is not reachable or the operator does not provide data - unsupported request - the searched number is not a valid mobile number |
Network Name | The network of the inspected phone number |
MCC | The mobile MCC number (Mobile Country Code) |
MNC | The mobile MNC number (Mobile Network Code) |
E.164 | Phone number in E.164 format, e.g., 441134960831 |
National | Phone number in the national format, e.g., 01134 960831 |
International | Phone number in the international format, e.g., +44 1134 960831 |
Ported? | Indicates whether the mobile phone number is ported from another network |
Roaming? | Specifies if the mobile phone number is roaming |
Updated 12 days ago