Help and Support
This section provides details about the application and its recent updates, your technical data, and directs you to the CommPeak Help Center and product legal information.
Test Call
Click Test call to check your sound quality.
A test call will start and you will be able to hear how your voice sounds.
Echo test in progress
Technical Details
In the Technical Details section, you can find information about your PBX, IP, extension, port, ping/jitter, and the Softphone version.

Technical Details section
In Updates, you can check recent release notes on Softphone to stay updated.

Updates section
Softphone Help
The Softphone Help redirects you right to our Documentation and Developer Hub, where you can find answers to your questions about the standalone CommPeak Softphone.

Softphone Help option
About Softphone
Click About Softphone to open the page containing legal information about the product on our website.
Updated 4 days ago