Voicemail Settings for DID Numbers
Configure a voicemail message to play to customers when their call goes to voicemail due to incorrect DID forwarding or unreachable destination. You can upload an audio file, generate a text-to-speech greeting, and set up email notifications for received voicemails.
The DID Voicemail feature allows you to handle cases with failed incoming calls to your DID numbers. You can play messages for your customers when DID forwarding is incorrectly defined, or the configured destination is unreachable. In such cases, the call will go to the voicemail if the dialed DID number has a playback defined.
You have the option to either upload an audio file or enter a text, select a language and voice, and generate a greeting yourself.
The system will automatically play these messages to the customers and record voicemails. Subsequently, it will dispatch the recordings to the email addresses indicated in your Voicemail Playbacks settings.
All recordings are accessible within the Received Voicemail Report.
Configuring Voicemail Playbacks
To configure a voicemail playback:
Go to the Voicemail Playbacks page in the CommPeak Portal.
Click on the plus icon next to the number of playbacks. Alternatively, you can click the UPLOAD PLAYBACK button if you haven't added any playback yet.
Voicemail Playbacks page
Complete fields in the Upload Playback side panel on the right as follows:
Enter a meaningful title for your playback configuration.
Add a greeting message from a file or convert it from text:
Option 1 is to use a ready file. Click Choose File and select a .wav audio file from your PC
Uploading a voicemail playback
Option 2 is to convert text to sound. Switch to the Generate Playback tab. Then select your language and voice, enter text for your message, and click GENERATE PLAYBACK.
Generating a voicemail playback
Then, you'll be able to play the message.
Playing a generated file
Indicate the DID numbers for which you'd like to set the playback. You can choose either the assigned tags, the numbers, or both. Utilize the dropdown menus to select your preferred items or opt for SELECT ALL to include all of them.
Finally, add email addresses where you wish to receive the recordings. To add an email address, enter it and click the plus icon.
The final step in creating voicemail playbacks
Your newly added playback will appear on the page. Click PLAY to check how it will sound to your customers.
You can create another one for different DID numbers if needed.

The table with existing voicemail playbacks
Changing Settings
To set the default playback for all DID numbers in your account, click the eye icon located on the right. Once you confirm, your playback will be designated as default.

Setting a default playback for an account
Click the edit icon on the right to include additional numbers, delete existing ones, adjust email addresses, or modify other preferences.
To delete the playback entirely, click the trash icon.
Viewing Received Voicemails
You can find a report of voicemails that the system recorded and sent to specified email addresses on the Received Voicemails Report page. Apply filters as you wish and click SEARCH. You will see the report output on the screen.

Received Voicemails Report page
Updated 12 days ago