Mass User Creation

Create multiple users in CommPeak Cloud PBX from a file: learn about the necessary file format, field mapping, and upload process.

You can create multiple users at once from a .csv file with user details.

.csv File Example

Here, you can find a CSV file example with both mandatory and optional columns.

Screenshot with the .csv file example

.csv file example

Rules for Creating the .csv File

  • Size: the size should not exceed 500 users per file.

  • Mandatory Header: the file must contain a header to recognize from which columns to pull the data.

  • Columns:

    • mandatory columns are Username, Email, Role (if users being added have different roles), and SIP Settings
    • you can use the option to generate virtual extensions and let the system do it. Or you can upload your own extensions. In such a case, the file must also contain the column with virtual extensions
    • optional are Desk, First name, and other columns, depending on your choice of users in one file.
  • SIP options: If you want to use SIP options other than WebRTC, the .csv file should contain the relevant data, as you will see in the SIP Settings below.

  • Role or desk:

    • If you are creating users with the same role or desk, you don't need to add columns with roles or desks, as you will use data from the Cloud PBX

    • If you create users with different roles or desks, add IDs from the Cloud PBX to the relevant columns. Copy data from the ID columns on the following pages and enter the IDs in the .csv file:

      • desks: Users > Users Management > Desks tab

        Screenshot with the Desks tab

        Desks tab

      • roles: Users > Users Management > Roles tab

        Screenshot with the Roles tab

        Roles tab

Creation Steps

Once the file with user data is ready, you can upload it to the system.

To create multiple users:

  1. Go to Users > Users Management.

  2. Click Create from file in the top-right of the Users Management page.

    Screenshot with the Create from file button

    Create from file button

  3. Drag and drop a file or browse for it. Click Upload.

    Screenshot with the Upload button

    Upload button

  4. Map four required fields with file columns:

  • Username, Email - select the relevant column name from the drop-down list:

    Screenshot with setting usernames

    Setting usernames

  • Virtual Extension - select the appropriate column name from the drop-down list.

    Screenshot with setting virtual extensions

    Setting virtual extensions

    Otherwise, you can select the checkbox below the drop-down list, and the system will generate the next available virtual extension numbers for you.

    Screenshot with the Generate auto virtual extensions option

    Generate auto virtual extensions option

  • Role:

    • If creating users with the same role, select From Dialer in the first drop-down list. Then select a role in the second list:

      Screenshot with setting the same roles

      Setting the same roles

    • to assign different roles, make sure the file contains role IDs from the Cloud PBX, then select the relevant column in the drop-down list:

      Screenshot with setting different roles

      Setting different roles

  • SIP Settings:

    • the default option is Use WebRTC to call using the softphone built into the Cloud PBX.
      If you want to set other options, the .csv file with user details should contain the relevant data.

      Screenshot with the Use WebRTC option

      Use WebRTC option

    • Use CommPeak classic PBX - call via an existing CommPeak PBX domain. In this case, select the needed domain in the drop-down list.

      Screenshot with the Use classic PBX option

      Use classic PBX option

      You should also have a column with PBX device (extension) numbers in your file. It can either be the same column as you used for the Virtual Extension field, or you can create a separate column for it.

      Screenshot with setting PBX extensions

      Setting PBX extensions

    • Use Custom URI - call via a third-party, external PBX. In your file, each user must have a link that includes a PBX domain and a device.

    • Use Built-in PBX - call via the built-in PBX; no further action is required.

  1. Select the authentication type:
  • Default from Role/Tenant - use the default setting for the role. If no role settings are available, the default settings for the tenant will be used.

  • Disabled - login without 2FA - apply no login security enhancements.

  • Email - with one-time code - enable email validation using a temporary password.

  • Google 2FA App - with one-time code - enable login validation using the Google Authenticator app.

    Screenshot with the setting authentication method

    Setting authentication method

  1. Optionally, click the toggle switch and add advanced security settings. See tooltips for explanations.

    Screenshot with the advanced security settings

    Advanced security settings

  2. Map the optional fields as needed. For desks, follow the same logic as for roles. Either assign all users to the same desk or map the relevant data from the .csv file.

    Screenshot with mapping optional fields

    Mapping optional fields

  3. If you are going to use an IP phone or a softphone that doesn't accept symbols other than digits, select the Generate user passwords with digits only (not recommended) checkbox.

  4. Click Import Users.

Upload Result

After the file has been uploaded, the system will inform you about the number of uploaded or duplicate users and errors with validation or missing user details.

Screenshot with an upload result

Upload result

  1. Click Download Error Details to view and fix the errors, such as removing duplicates. Then, repeat the upload.

    Screenshot with the state error details

    State error details

  2. Click Download Success Details to save a .csv file with temporary user passwords.

    Screenshot with temporary passwords

    Temporary passwords

After you click Continue, new users will appear in the user table.



If you fail to download the success details with temporary passwords, you will need to reset passwords one by one on the Users Management page.