Organize agents into virtual groups called "desks", which are essential for displaying agent information on the Realtime page in PBX Stats, and configure desk settings by renaming, assigning queues, and managing agent lists.
All agents are divided into virtual groups called desks. They are distributed by such criteria as their language, call purpose, or experience.
Agents must be assigned to desks if you want the agents to appear on the Realtime page.
To configure desks:
Go to Configuration in the main menu and select Desks. The page displays the available desks, queues assigned to specific desks, and agents included in each one.
Configuration > Desks tab
Click Edit in the Actions column to make changes to the desk.
You can rename the desk, assign a queue, and change the agent list here.
Edit Desks form
Click Save.
To create a new desk, click Create New Desk at the top right corner of the page.
Updated 5 days ago