Using the Streams SMS API in the CommPeak Portal

Launch CommPeak's Streams SMS API: Activate the SMS service, create or use default API tokens, and configure stream settings to authenticate and send SMS messages via API.

You can send one or multiple messages using the Streams SMS API service in your CommPeak Portal account. Use available API tokens to authenticate your API requests or create new tokens.



We strongly recommend reviewing the related API documentation before you start using the SMS API.

The first step is activating the SMS service described in the Getting Started article.

Using Default API Tokens

On the SMS Platform and SMS API page, you can find tokens automatically created on service activation that are ready for use. Click the eye icon to show the token and then copy it for future use.

To use default tokens:

  1. After the SMS service activation, expand SMS in the main menu and select SMS Platform. You can find default tokens on the SMS Platform and SMS API page.

    Screenshot of the **SMS Platform** tab

    SMS Platform tab

  2. Click the pencil icon to change the stream name and add one or more IP addresses from which you will make API calls.

    Screenshot of the **SMS Platform and SMS API** page

    SMS Platform and SMS API page

  3. To add an IP, enter it and click +. Then click Save.

    Screenshot of the **Edit SMS Stream Token** section

    Edit SMS Stream Token section

  4. Click the eye icon to show the token and copy it for use.

    Screenshot of the unhide and copy token button

    Unhide and copy token button

Creating New API Tokens

To create an API token:

  1. Click on the plus sign next to the number of available streams.

    Screenshot of the plus sign

    Plus sign

  2. In the pop-up window on the right, enter the name of the new stream.

    Screenshot of the **Create SMS Stream Token** button

    Create SMS Stream Token button

  3. In the Stream Type field, select one of the options.
    You can learn more about SMS route types from our Comprehensive Guide.

  4. In the IP ACL field, you can add one or more IPs that will be allowed to access the API using this authentication token.

  5. Click CREATE SMS STREAM TOKEN at the bottom of the page. The stream will be added to the list.

  6. Click the eye icon on the needed line in the API Token field to get the token. This will reveal it. Then, you can copy it and use it on your API tool. You will find further instructions about creating API requests in our API documentation.

  7. Later, you can click the edit icon and change the stream name and allowed IPs.



Below the list of your API streams, you can see links that you can use to learn more about TextPeak - CommPeak's SMS platform.
TextPeak is a tool for creating SMS campaigns with a variety of customization options for your messages.
To start using TextPeak, click Login to TextPeak.

Screenshot of the **Login to TextPeak** button

Login to TextPeak button

After you have created API streams, you can send test messages to ensure the service works well.