Individual Contacts

Manage individual contacts, add new ones, edit details, and apply filters to search for specific contacts.

To manage details in your contact lists, select the Individual Contacts tab under Contacts in the main menu.

Screenshot of the **Individual Contacts** page

Individual Contacts page

The total number of contacts is shown above the table with contact details. If you apply search filters, the total number corresponds to the filtered contacts.

On the Individual Contacts page, you can:

  • add new contacts
  • edit individual contacts
  • download contact details as a .csv file
  • view messages sent to individual contacts
  • opt-out or delete selected contact details
  • apply filters to search for individual contacts; for example, to display all contacts that clicked on Short URL or Opt out URL in specific campaigns, select the campaigns in the Clicked On drop-down list

The Individual Contacts table contains the following columns.

CheckboxSelect a checkbox in the header to select all contacts. Otherwise, choose individual records.
Parse StatusThe status the system assigns to the contact while adding it:

- OK - no issues with contact data and the contact will participate in campaigns (receive SMS messages)
- INVALID - the system found an issue with contact data, and it won't participate in campaigns
- NOT MOBILE - the phone number is not mobile
- BLACKLIST - the contact is opted-out
- DUPLICATE - the contact with the same phone number already exists
PhonePhone number
If you enable standard fields other than phone, the columns with standard details will appear in the table. These fields are optional; that is why the details can be empty.
Custom FieldsHover over the number of existing custom fields (additional details) for more information
Created AtDate and time in UTC when the contact was added
Additional Actions ImageClick the three-dot menu on the right to apply the following actions to an individual contact:

- click Export to download individual contact as a .csv file
- click View messages to view sent SMS messages, their campaign names, and timestamps
- click Edit to modify individual contact details and save
- click Opt out to opt-out the individual contact from all campaigns, then confirm
- click Delete to remove the individual contact, then confirm.

Adding New Contacts

To add a new contact to an existing list:

  1. Click Add Contact in the top right.

  2. In List Details, select an existing list:

    Screenshot of the **Add New Contact** section

    Add New Contact section

  3. Enter standard and additional contact details. The system will populate the Country field based on the phone number. Mandatory fields are marked with *.

  4. Then click Save And Next.

    Screenshot of the **Contact Details** section

    Contact Details section



You can enable and disable standard details or create additional ones in the Contact Details Settings.

The newly added contact will appear at the top of the Individual Contacts table.

Managing Your Contacts

To manage a single contact, use the three-dot menu on the right.

To manage multiple contacts, select them using the checkboxes on the left. Choosing more than one record enables controls for managing multiple contact details:

Screenshot of the contact management controls

Contact management controls

  • click Opt-out or Delete selected above the table to opt-out multiple contacts from all campaigns or remove them from the platform
  • click Export selected to download selected contacts as a .csv file.