Dialer Navigation and Search
Learn how to navigate your Dialer instance and search for leads or pages.
This article describes all the navigation options in your CommPeak Dialer account and explains how to search for the needed leads or pages.

Search on the Dialer dashboard
Navigation Elements
You can navigate through your Dialer instance using elements at the top of any page.
To open a page, hover over the main menu on the page header and click on the needed item in the drop-down list.
Opening a page from a menu
Expand the menu at the top right, which shows your username and extension number. Here, you can also change your state and log out.
User profile menu
Click on the Dialer logo at the top left to return to the Dashboard from any page.
Dialer logo
Use the double-purpose navigation and search bar as described in the section below.
Using the Navigation Search Bar
You can now find the navigation search bar at the top-right of any page. It serves a double purpose: it helps you find the needed lead and navigate across the updated menu.
Lead Search
To find the lead you need, just enter the lead ID or phone number into the search bar. The link that you will see below will redirect you to the lead details page.

Lead search
Navigation Assistant
With the search bar, you can search for any page within the Dialer. Your search can be based on its previous or updated name.
Enter the page name; if it has been changed, you will see the new name in the search results. For example, if you type "User Tags", it will take you to Desks, which is the new name of the same page.

Navigation assistant
Moreover, the search results can show you pages with similar names. It's helpful if you are not sure about the name of the page you are looking for.

Pages with similar names in search results
Updated 6 days ago