Agents Performance Report

Analyze agent performance over a selected timeframe by gathering detailed data on calls, feedback, and system activity, use customizable filters, and save report templates for future use.

The Agents Performance report allows a shift manager to understand user performance in a selected timeframe.

The report collects data on agents’ performance from all across the system and presents it in one place, providing the most detailed insight into the agent’s work. It demonstrates total and average figures on the duration of the agent’s calls, the number of calls made, the number of leads processed, and the time the agent was logged in to the Cloud PBX.

It also offers the possibility to view the results for one agent or multiple agents selected based on the desks they belong to.

Creating Reports

To run the report:

  1. On the Cloud PBX home page, click Reports and select Agents Performance.

    Screenshot with Agents Performance in the Reports menu

    Agents Performance in the Reports menu

  2. Set the necessary parameters under Search Params to filter the report output.

    Screenshot with the Search filters

    Search filters

  • In the Period field, specify the date and time range for the report. On the Dates tab, select the starting and ending date and time. Alternatively, on the Bookmarks tab, select one of the specified ranges from the dropdown list.
    Filling out this field is mandatory.
  • In the Users field, select one or more agents. If you don’t specify any agent, the report will extract data for all users.
  • In the User Desks field, select a group of users to show in the report output (optional).
  1. Click Submit to see the results on the screen. If you need it as a file, click Export CSV or Export Excel to add a file creation task. Upon completion, you will be able to download the report from Reports>Task Logs.
Screenshot with report output

Report output

  1. Optionally, under Columns, click the names of the columns you want to exclude from the report output. The relevant checkboxes will be cleared. Then click Submit again to re-generate the report.
Screenshot with report columns

Report columns

The table below gives explanations of the report fields.

User IDThe ID of the user in the Dialer system
UsernameThe name of the user
States CountThe total number of user states
Incoming Call DurationThe total duration of calls the agent received in incoming calls
Manual Call DurationThe total duration of manual calls the agent made
Internal Call DurationThe total number of the agent's internal calls
Total Call DurationThe total duration of calls
Average Call DurationACD (the total conversation time divided by the number of calls)
Total Waiting TimeThe total time the agent waited between calls
Calls NumberThe total number of successful calls. Click the value to browse the Call Records List Report‍ and listen to the needed calls
Leads NumberThe number of leads the agent has called (some leads can be called more than once)
Average Idle TimeThe average duration of the agent’s waiting between calls (the total waiting time divided by the total number of calls)
Total Bill DurationThe total duration of billed calls

Saving Report Templates

You can save the report view, including the filters and visible columns, as a template for future use.

Screenshot with the Templates section

Templates section

To save the template, after setting filters and visible columns as needed, do the following:

  1. Scroll up to Templates located in the top section of the page.
  2. Enter the name of the new template.
  3. If you want the template to be available for other users, select the Public check box.
  4. Click Create.

To use a saved template, click Select Template, choose the necessary template, and click Apply.



If the report you plan to save as a template has a specific timeframe, save it without one so you can add a new timeframe each time. Alternatively, include a bookmark for the preferred period if needed.