Users Breaks

Understand how user states function, how to create new user breaks, and how agents can modify their state.

On the Users Breaks tab under Users > Users Management, you can set up user breaks so that agents can indicate when they are available for calls or on a break. Each agent's state is reflected on the Realtime Stats page.

In CommPeak Dialer, the Online state is the default one. Once the agents log in, they are automatically assigned the Online state. In this state, they can make manual calls or clock in to work in the Predictive mode.

Screenshot of the user state in profile settings

User state in profile settings

In addition to the Online state, you can create other states (or user breaks), as many types as you need. If the agents set any state other than Online, they will not receive incoming calls.

Screenshot of changing user state

Changing user states

To create a new break type (user state):

  1. Go to Users > Users Management, then switch to the Users Breaks tab.

    The Users Breaks tab in Users Management

    Users Breaks tab in Users Management

  2. On the page that opens, click Create New Break.

  3. Enter the name of your new break and its DTMF number.


    What is DTMF?

    DTMF (Dual tone multi-frequency) is a technology for transmitting keypad digits via unique tone combinations.

    Then select the checkbox below if you want to enable the break right away.

    Screenshot of adding a user break

    Adding a user break

  4. Click Create.

To change the state, an agent must dial *14 and press the DTMF number corresponding to the desired state. The state will take a few seconds to be changed and shown on the Realtime Stats page.