Choose your account currency - USD or Euro. It will be used in SMS rates and billing. To select the currency:
Click SMS in the main menu.
SMS tab
In the pop-up window, click the currency sign to select it.
Click Submit.
Activate the SMS service. To do this:
Click SMS in the main menu again.
Click ACTIVATE in the pop-up window.
SMS Billing
Shortly after you activate SMS services, your SMS balance will appear in your account at the top right, next to the voice balance.
SMS services Home tab with billing information
You can use your free trial to test the services and send your first message using any SMS option.
In your CommPeak account, your voice and SMS balance should be topped up and used independently.
TextPeak is a tool for sending SMS campaigns and offers a wide range of customization options. To access it, expand SMS in the main menu and select SMS Platform. On the page that opens, click Login To TextPeak.
Login To TextPeak button
If you have been using the previous version of the SMS service, you need first to activate the platform. After this, Streams API will also become available.