In this section, you can change the settings of your input and output sound, adjust your ringtones, and set the application language.
Microphone & Headset Settings
Click Microphone & Headset Settings to adjust your input and output sound volume and set noise suppression.

Microphone & Headset Settings options
To change the volume settings:
In Microphone & Headset Settings, select the Input and Output Volume option.
Under Microphone Volume, you can move the toggle to set the input volume to the level you need, test the volume level as you speak, and select the input device among the options in the drop-down list.
Under Speaker Volume, you can set the output volume to the level you need and select the needed output device among the options available to you.
Input and Output Volume options
To change noise suppression settings:
In Microphone & Headset Settings, select the Noise Suppression option.
Choose whether to enable noise suppression for the incoming audio stream by switching the toggle at the bottom of the screen.
If the toggle is off, noise suppression only works for the agent's side (outgoing audio).
If it is on, the feature works for both the agent's and the customer's audio.
Choose one of the options for noise suppression:
High: technology for efficient noise removal from audio streams
Basic: built-in browser noise suppression abilities
Disabled: no noise cancellation.
Noise Suppression options
Ringtone & Sounds
In Ringtone & Sounds, you can modify various sound settings.

Ringtone & Sounds options
- In Choose ringtone, select your preferred tone in the drop-down list and listen to it by clicking the play button.
- In Play ringtone from, choose the device in the list displayed.
- Under Ringtone and sounds, adjust the volume of your ringtone and sounds and mute the ringtone or system sounds if you wish.
In the Language section, it is possible to switch the language of your Softphone. Besides English, Spanish and Russian are available.

Language options
Updated 4 days ago