My Tickets

Manage existing tickets and create new ones by applying filters, viewing tickets by status, sorting results, and creating a new ticket through the chat window.

The My Tickets page under Help and Support gives you a wide range of options for managing existing tickets and creating new ones.

Screenshot of the My Tickets tab

My Tickets tab

Creating a New Ticket

On the My Tickets page, you can create a new ticket by clicking Open Ticket at the top right. This will open the support chat window in the bottom right corner.

Alternatively, you can go to the Open Ticket tab or click the CommPeak Help and Support widget button at the bottom right of any page to start a conversation with a support agent.

Screenshot of the options to open a new ticket

Opening new ticket

Viewing Your Tickets

On the My Tickets page, you can search for the needed tickets using filters, view tickets in each status in their dedicated tab, sort them, and see the ticket's details in the chat window.

Screenshot of the My Tickets page

My Tickets page

The sections below will explain more about ticket management.

Ticket Filters

Apply filters by keyword, date, product, and department, and click Search to find the needed ticket.

  • Keyword filter: in the textbox, enter the keyword(s) the ticket should contain.
  • Date filter: in the drop-down box, select the date range
  • Product filter: in the drop-down list, select the product that the ticket is associated with.
  • Department filter: in the drop-down list, the account owner can select the department to narrow down search results. The users assigned to a department, by default will see tickets assigned to their department only.

Ticket Grouping by Status

You can switch between the tabs to view tickets in a certain status only or in all statuses.

  • Opened: tickets currently in progress, being resolved
  • New: tickets that were created but haven't got any response from the support team yet
  • Resolved: tickets that have already been resolved and closed
  • All: all the tickets, irrespective of their status

Sorting and Page View

There are also the following options available for your convenience:

  • Sorting your tickets by newest or oldest
  • Changing the number of tickets you can see on a page.

Ticket Card

On the ticket card, you can see:

Screenshot of a ticket card

Viewing a ticket card

  1. Ticket subject

  2. Ticket number

  3. The date and time when the ticket was last updated

  4. Ticket category

  5. The name of the user who created the ticket

  6. Ticket status

  7. View detail button. As soon as you click this button, you can open the ticket details in the CommPeak Help and Support widget window.

    Screenshot of the chat with ticket details

    Chat with ticket details



You can also review the tickets you opened right from the CommPeak Help and Support widget.

To download your ticket conversations in the TXT format, click the download button at the top right.

Screenshot of the Download button

Downloading ticket conversations