Intercom Integration
This article demonstrates how to send SMS messages right in the Intercom interface.
You can implement SMS automation and send SMS responses to customers from your Help Desk conversations using CommPeak Integrations.
To generate a SMS message:
Click a conversation in your Help Desk inbox to open it.
Help Desk inbox
Go to the Details sidebar on the right.
Details sidebar
If it's the first time you are sending an SMS, the CommPeak tab might be unavailable on the sidebar. Then scroll down and click Edit apps . You will see CommPeak in the list that expands. Click on the pin icon next to it, and CommPeak tab will be added to Details .
Edit apps option
Otherwise, if the CommPeak tab is available, go to the next step.
Expand the CommPeak tab and complete the SMS sending form:
In the From field, select a sender from the dropdown list. It contains the approved Sender IDs from your TextPeak account.
Enter the contact's phone number in the To field.
Write your message in the Message field.
Details section
Click Send.
The system will send your message and add a confirmation about that as a note within the conversation:SMS sent confirmation
Updated 5 days ago