Personal Predictive Queue

Activate and configure the Personal Predictive Queue (PPQ) feature, manage agents' calling ratios, and monitor PPQ agents from the Realtime page.

The Personal Predictive Queue (PPQ) feature helps you manage agents' calling of assigned leads. A virtual PPQ user group is created for calling the assigned leads with a ratio.

This article explains the following:

  • how to activate the PPQ feature
  • which settings are available
  • how to monitor the agents who work in the PPQ mode from the Realtime page
  • how to update the calling ratio from the Realtime page.

General Logic

The Personal Predictive Queue is a virtual group displayed on the Realtime page consisting of agents that meet the following conditions:

  1. The agent is configured to work in the PPQ mode.
  2. The agent has available PPQ leads (personal assignment leads)
    The agents in the PPQ group get calls in that group only if they have available PPQ leads. After they run out of leads, the system will return them to the group they belong to by skill. Until that moment, they are not included in the available user count of that group but are counted as the PPQ group users.

While PPQ is active for an agent, all assigned leads of that agent will belong to the PPQ group.

Configuring PPQ

If you'd like to activate the PPQ feature, please contact the support team.

After the PPQ has been activated, you must enable and configure it in general settings and for each specific agent in user settings.

1. General Settings

All agents will get the default PPQ configuration from General Settings. The following controls are available in the Personal Predictive Queue section:

Screenshot of PPQ in general settings

PPQ in general settings

  • Enable PPQ: move the slider to enable the PPQ feature in your system
  • Default Ratio: set the default calling ratio for all agents; you can customize the ratio for specific agents in their user settings
  • Sorting Algorithm: choose the sorting method for calling PPQ leads
    • Call Back Time Ascending - the leads will be called by their call back time no matter their weight; the oldest time comes first
    • Weight Descending, Then Call Back Time Ascending - the leads will be called by their weight priority; for the leads with the same weight, those with the oldest time come first.

2. User Settings

If you wish specific agents to work in the PPQ mode, enable PPQ in user settings and customize the ratio and sorting method.

Screenshot of PPQ in user settings

PPQ in user settings

Monitoring PPQ in the Realtime

If PPQ is enabled for agents, and they have leads assigned to them, they can start accepting calls. On the Realtime page, a virtual group appears in the Predictive Groups section.

Screenshot of the PPQ group in the Realtime page

PPQ group in the Realtime page

All agents calling their assigned leads belong to the PPQ group.

Agents working in the PPQ mode have a unique indicator next to their names in the Agent List:

Screenshot of the PPQ mode indicator

PPQ mode indicator



If agents finish calling all assigned PPQ leads, they are automatically moved from the PPQ group to their regular group. When they get assigned leads and start calling them, they appear in the PPQ group again.

Click Show Users in the Actions column for more details.

Screenshot of showing agents in the PPQ group

Showing agents in the PPQ group

The pop-up window will display statistics about individual PPQ agents and show you global and unique ratios.

Screenshot of PPQ agent statistics

PPQ agent statistics

Updating Ratio

You can update the ratio right in the Predictive Groups section, which will influence only the agents with the default PPQ settings:

Screenshot of updating ratio for the PPQ group

Updating ratio for the PPQ group

To modify the ratio for the whole PPQ group or specific agents:

  1. Click Show Users in the Actions column in Predictive Groups.

  2. To update the ratio:

    • for individual agents, edit the number in the Ratio column

      Screenshot of updating ratio for PPQ agents

      Updating ratio for PPQ agents

    • for all agents with the default ratio set in Settings, click the number next to Group Ratio Change at the bottom

      Screenshot of updating the ratio for agents with the default ratio

      Updating the ratio for agents with the default ratio

    • if you wish to update it for all agents, including those with a unique ratio, select the checkbox in the bottom right

      Screenshot of updating the ratio for all PPQ agents, including the unique ones

      Updating the ratio for all PPQ agents, including the unique ones

  3. Click Submit Changes.

PPQ Agent Performance Report

Please refer to the Personal Dialer Performance article to learn how to generate the performance report for agents working in the PPQ mode.