Role Permissions

Manage your team users' roles and permissions.

On the Role Permissions page, you can view roles existing in your Text Peak account and add new ones. To access the page, expand Users in the main menu and click Role Permissions.​

The role permissions in TextPeak are divided into two sections, accessible via the Platform and Inbox tabs. Every user can hold one or two distinct roles, one for each section.

Screenshot of the 'Role Permissions' page with the inbox role permissions: 'Inbox Agent', 'Inbox Manager', 'Inbox Admin' and the 'Add New Role' button.

Role Permissions > Inbox tab

Adding New Roles

The following roles are created by default: Tenant Owner and Tenant Viewer as the built-in platform master roles, and Inbox Admin, Inbox Manager, and Inbox Agent to manage everything related to inbox.

You can add other custom roles and define their permissions according to your needs.

To create a custom role:

  1. Select the Role Permissions tab in the main menu's Users section.

  2. Choose the type of role you want to add. To add a general platform role, remain on the Platform tab; to add an inbox-specific role, switch to the Inbox tab.

  3. Click Add New Role in the top right.

    Screenshot of the fragment of the 'Role Permissions' page with the platform role permissions: 'Tenant Owner', 'Custom Role Name', 'Custom Viewer' and the 'Add New Role' button.

    The Add New Role button on the Role Permissions page

  4. Enter a title in the Custom Role Name field. Then enter a role description next to it.

Screenshot of the fragment of the 'Role Permissions' page to define a new role the 'Custom Role Name' and 'Role description' input fields and the 'Collapse all', 'Expand All', and the 'Save Changes' button. The following categories with the toggle buttons set to 'disabled': 'General', Streams API', 'Contacts', 'Messages', 'Domains & URLs', 'Webhooks', and 'Settings'.

Defining a custom role

  1. Click Expand All to access categories with all available permissions. Alternatively, you can expand a specific category using the expand button on the right.
Screenshot of the disabled **Campaign** category with the expand button on the right.

Expanding Campaign category

  1. Enable one or more permission categories using the toggle buttons on the left.

    Screenshot of a role permission category with the toggle button highlighted

    The toggle button on the left

  2. In the needed category, define permissions for your new role. You can unselect specific permissions as you wish.

    Screenshot of a role permission category with several role permissions unselected

    Unselecting specific permissions

  3. Click Save Changes.

Duplicating Existing Roles

You can duplicate any existing role as follows.

  1. Click the three-dot menu icon and select Duplicate.

    Screenshot of the fragment of the 'Users Management' page with the two default user roles ('Tenant Owner' and 'Tenant Viewer') showing the management options for the 'Tenant Owner' role and the highlighted 'Duplicate' option. Also, for this role, the options 'Allow all' and 'Deny all' are disabled.

    Duplicate management option

  2. Modify the role title, description, and permissions as needed.

    Screenshot of the 'Add New Role' form in the 'Users Management' page to duplicate the existing role with the 'Custom Role Name' and 'Role description' input fields and the 'Collapse all', 'Expand All', and the 'Cancel' and 'Save Changes' buttons.

    Form for modifying the existing role

  3. Click Save Changes.

After you save your changes, the new custom role appears on the page.

Screenshot of the 'Role Permissions' page with the new custom role added and the 'Add New Role' button.

A new custom role added



Even if you unselect all permissions, the new role will still have a viewing ability as stated below the category title.

Screenshot of the screen with all **Campaigns** permission disabled for the role

All Campaigns permission disabled for the role

Allowing & Denying Permissions

You can also enable or disable permissions for all roles in bulk except for the two built-in master roles, Tenant Owner and Tenant Viewer.

Allowing All Permissions

  1. Click the three dots and select Allow all.
Screenshot of the fragment of the 'Users Management' page showing the management options for the 'Inbox Agent' role and the highlighted 'Allow all' option.

Allow all management option

  1. All permission categories and subcategories become enabled for the user role.
Screenshot of the fragment of the 'Users Management' page with all permission categories and subcategories enabled for the 'Inbox Agent' user role.

All permission categories and subcategories enabled for the Inbox Agent role

Denying All Permissions

Click the three-dot menu icon and select Deny all. All permission categories and subcategories for the user role will be disabled.

Screenshot of the fragment of the 'Users Management' page with all permission categories and subcategories disabled for the 'Inbox Agent' user role

All permission categories and subcategories disabled for the Inbox Agent role