Importing Contacts from Hubspot CRM to TextPeak
Import your contacts from HubSpot as a list to CommPeak SMS platform (TextPeak) and create campaigns with them.
First, create a list with your contacts in your HubSpot CRM and then add it to TextPeak by uploading multiple lead records from integration.
Creating Contact Lists in HubSpot
In your HubSpot account, navigate to Contact > Lists.
Click Create list in the top right.
HubSpot Contact > Lists tab
In the Create a list popup window, select Contact-based and enter the list name and description. Then click Next.
List selection dialog
Set filters to define which contact you wish to export. In our case, we want to export contacts with the New lead status.
Setting filters for contacts export
Click Save list.
After a while, your new list will appear in Contacts > Lists.
Adding Contact Lists in TextPeak
In your TextPeak account, navigate to Contacts > Contact Lists.
Click Add List in the top right.
Contacts > Contact Lists tab
You will see a pop-up window. Select an option to import from application integration.
Add New List dialog: List details
Enter the list name and an informative description. Then click Save & Next.
Select HubSpot in the Integration drop-down list.
Select a connection you created in Integrations when installing the application.
Then click Save & Next.Add New List dialog: Integration setting
Select which contact data you would like to import from HubSpot. Start typing in the box to locate the needed field quickly.
Selecting contact fields in Contacts setting
In Filter, select a contact list you previously created in HubSpot.
Setting data filters in Contacts setting
Click Save & Preview.
Map contact details with available contact fields as necessary.
Imported Contacts Preview section
Click Import Contacts.
View the list summary and click Continue.
Importing contacts screen
The new list appears at the top and will take some time to process.
Contact Lists page
Refer to the following table for column descriptions in Contact Lists.
Column | Description |
List Name | Click the title to open a side panel, which you can also load when clicking the information icon in Actions. It contains details about the list, parse status of contacts, and campaigns where it has been used. |
Source | CSV or app integration |
Progress | The Progress column shows the contact import progress. If a progress bar is displayed, the list is still being imported. The _Ready _status means that importing is complete. |
Contacts | The Contacts column shows the total number of contacts in the list. You can see how many of them are parsed or failed by clicking the information icon in Actions. |
Creation At | Date and time in UTC when the list was uploaded |
Actions | This column provides additional controls. |
You can view more information from the Actions column and delete or download contact lists.

Contact lists management options
Click the Actions column's information icon to view your contact list details. On the List Info tab, you can see how many contact details are added (parsed) or failed due to invalid or not mobile phone numbers.

List Info tab
If you want more information about the list and its usage in campaigns, go to the Campaigns info tab.

Campaigns info tab
To delete the list, click Delete in Actions.
To save the list as a .csv file, click Download in Actions. Preparing downloadable files for large lists will take some time. When ready, they will appear in Tasks. If you would like more information, please look at the Tasks article.
Updated 5 days ago