Click2Call Integrations
Find out how to create and manage Click2Call integrations and implement them in your CRM for seamless one-click phone call functionality.
A Click2Call integration lets you easily integrate calling services in your CRM. It is a VoIP API integration via an HTTP GET request that uses a hyperlink to initiate a phone call. The Click2Call integration will be displayed as a button in your CRM for a one-click connection.
You can access Click2Call integrations and create a new one in Settings > Click2Call Integrations.

Click2Call Integrations in the Settings menu
Creating a Click2Call Integration
To create a new Click2Call integration:
On the Click2Call Integrations page, click Add New Click-to-Call.
Adding a Click2Call integration
On the page that opens, fill in the general information for your integration:
C2C name - specify the name of your integration to be able to find it in the list
CRM name - select between a custom and HubSpot integration
Allowed IPs - enter all the allowed IPs
Activate Click-to-Call - use the toggle to choose if the integration will be enabled or disabled.Integration settings
In the Custom C2C Fields for Call Records List (CDRs) section, add custom parameters that will be displayed on the Call Records List page in the c2c_details column. The fields you add will also be automatically included in the Click2Call integration link.
Click Add New Click-to-Call.
The new integration will be added to the list.
Click2Call Integration Link
On the right of the Click2Call integration creation page, you will see the Click-to-Call Integration Preview window.

Copying the integration link
Once you add a new integration, an integration link will be generated in this window. To implement Click2Call, copy the link and paste it into your CRM.
lega = the caller (the agent's virtual extension)
leg_b = the destination phone number
route_number = outbound call prefix (the default prefix is _00).
This prefix must match the existing prefix configured at the dial pattern on the outbound route.

Static and dynamic parts
Managing Click2Call Integrations
The list of your integrations will be displayed on the Click2Call Integrations page.

Click2Call Integrations page
You can perform the following actions:
- Find the needed integrations using the filters in the Search C2C Integration by Filter section.
- View the list of your integrations in the table below the search filters.
- Disable or enable your integration by using the toggle in the Active column.
- Edit or delete an integration by clicking on the respective icon in the Actions column.
- Disable or enable multiple integrations: select the required integrations in the list and use the actions in the drop-down lists above it, then click Process.
Updated 6 days ago