Agents' Actions are not Syncing to a CRM

Discover how to resolve issues when agents' actions are not syncing to the CRM.


Agents’ actions are not syncing to the CRM used.


When CommPeak Dialer is integrated with a client’s CRM, all relevant data is synchronized.

However, it may happen that agents’ actions are not syncing to the CRM.


You can do the following to resolve this issue:

  1. Go to your Dialer workspace, click Settings > CRM Integration Management, and switch to the CRM Update Logs tab.
    On this page, you can check whether there were any remote requests and how many still needed to be completed.

  2. To see the list of these requests, select No in the Completed and Postponed filters.

    Screenshot with the Completed and Postponed filter fields

    Completed and Postponed filter fields

  3. Click Search.
    If there are many uncompleted requests, submit a ticket to CommPeak support and ask them to check the user sync. Our team will do its best to help you.