PBX IP ACL Settings

Allow specific IP addresses to access your PBX system by setting whitelisted IP addresses in Web ACL, SIP ACL, or Click2Call ACL. You can also use Dynamic DNS (DDNS) for dynamic IP addresses and Geo ACL for country-based whitelisting.

Access settings will increase your network protection, minimize security risks, and prevent unauthorized access to your PBX.

To open the access settings for Cloud PBX:

  1. Log in to the CommPeak Portal.

  2. In the main menu on the left, expand Cloud PBX and click PBX Instances.

    Screenshot of PBX Instances in the main menu

    PBX Instances in the main menu

  3. Click the Firewall Settings icon.

    Screenshot of the PBX Instances page

    PBX Instances page

    The Firewall Settings pane with several tabs will open on the right. Here, you can insert IP addresses to web, SIP, and Click2Call access lists and see IP addresses that are blocked.


Web ACL restricts access to your PBX and PBX Stats web interfaces.

To set the web access list:

  1. Click the Web ACL tab in the Firewall Settings pane.
  2. In the field under IP ACL, enter an IP address or subnet in the CIDR format. You can also enter a domain. If you use Dynamic DNS, we will resolve it to IP periodically. For more information on DynDNS, refer to the section below about Dynamic IP Addresses.
  3. Click on the plus icon to add the IP address.
  4. Add all the needed IPs one by one.
  5. To temporarily disable a specific IP, toggle the button next to the IP address. To delete an IP, click on the delete icon.
  6. If you cannot whitelist all IP addresses, configure GEO ACL.
  7. Click Save Changes.



In the examples below, we use random IP addresses from a public database.

Screenshot of setting web ACL

Setting web ACL


SIP ACL whitelists specific IP addresses for SIP registration, calls, CommPeak Softphone, and PBX Stats Agent Interface.

To set the SIP access list:

  1. Click the SIP ACL tab in the Firewall Settings pane.

  2. In the field under IP ACL, enter an IP address or subnet in the CIDR format. You can also enter a domain. If you use Dynamic DNS, we will resolve it to IP periodically. For more information on DynDNS, refer to the section below about Dynamic IP Addresses.

  3. Click on the plus icon to add the IP address.

  4. Add all the needed IPs one by one.

  5. To temporarily disable a specific IP, toggle the button next to the IP address. To delete an IP, click on the delete icon.

  6. If you cannot whitelist all IP addresses, configure GEO ACL.

  7. Click Save Changes.

    Screenshot of setting SIP ACL

    Setting SIP ACL

Click2Call ACL

On the Click2Call ACL tab, you set IP-based restrictions for Click2Call requests.

To set the Click2Call access list:

  1. Click the Click2Call ACL tab in the Firewall Settings pane.

  2. In the field under Click2Call ACL, enter an IP address or subnet in the CIDR format. You can also enter a domain. If you use Dynamic DNS, we will resolve it to IP periodically. For more information on DynDNS, refer to the section below about Dynamic IP Addresses.

  3. Click on the plus icon to add the IP address.

  4. Add all the needed IPs one by one.

  5. To delete an IP, click on the delete icon.

  6. Click Save Changes.

    Screenshot of setting Click2Call ACL

    Setting Click2Call ACL

Solution for Dynamic IP Addresses

You can effectively whitelist IP addresses for static IPs only. It is often a case that your Internet Service Provider gives you a dynamic IP address. It keeps changing over and over again, so you can get rejected. The Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) would be a solution for you in such a case.

You can register a hostname with one of the free DDNS providers (for example, no-ip). Once registered, you obtain a domain assigned to you.

You can set up ACL for your domain in the same way. Type the domain address (a fully qualified domain name) in the field under IP ACL and click on the plus icon. After you click SAVE CHANGES, the address will appear on the access list.



Adding a domain address works for all the ACL options.

Screenshot of setting ACL for a domain

Setting ACL for a domain


Geo ACL allows any IP from countries that you can choose for both web and SIP access. Users will still need to provide their credentials when accessing your resources.



We do not recommend country whitelisting. You can use this option if you cannot whitelist all IP addresses.

To whitelist IPs for countries:

  1. Go to the Web ACL or SIP ACL tab.
  2. Click in the field under Geo ACL to expand a list of countries.
  3. Start typing to move to a specific country, or scroll down.
  4. Select the checkbox next to the country name. Click CLEAR to clear your selection.
  5. To temporarily disable a specific country, toggle the button next to the country name. To delete a country, click in the field showing the number of countries selected, find the country name, and uncheck it.
  6. Click Save Changes.



You can select up to 10 countries.

Screenshot of setting geo ACL

Setting geo ACL