Roles and Permissions

Learn how to manage roles in PBX Stats: create, modify, or enable permissions.

A role is a combination of permissions that lets a user perform actions allowed by the selected permissions.

Role Creation

To create a role:

  1. Go to Configuration > Roles.

  2. On the Roles Manager page, click Create New Role in the top right corner.

    Screenshot of the **Roles Manager** page

    Roles Manager page

  3. In the New Role window displayed, specify the name and description for the role.

    Screenshot of the **New Role** form

    New Role form

  4. Click in the Permissions field and select the actions the role will be allowed to do.

  5. Add one or more IP addresses in Accepted IPs. Users with this role can access PBX Stats only from those IPs.

  6. Select the Mask Phone check box to use the Phone Number Masking feature for the user assigned this role.

  7. Click Save.

The new role will appear in the list of roles.

Screenshot of the new role added

New role added

To modify settings for a role, click Edit in the Actions column for the needed role.

To remove the role from the list, click Delete.

Role Permissions

Permission NameExplanation
access_api_keyCan access the API key
adminCan access all sections and features of PBX Stats
api_docsCan access PBX Stats API documents
can_hangup_callCan perform call hangup
create_agentCan create agents
create_agent_bulkCan create multiple agents
create_deskCan create desks
create_deviceCan create devices
create_device_bulkCan create multiple devices
create_outbound_identityCan create outbound identities
create_pause_typeCan create pause types
create_roleCan create roles
create_scheduled_reportCan create scheduled reports
create_shiftCan create shifts
create_userCan create users
create_webhookCan create Webhooks
delete_deskCan delete desks
delete_deviceCan delete devices
delete_outbound_identityCan delete outbound identities
delete_queued_requestCan delete queued requests
delete_roleCan delete roles
delete_scheduled_reportCan delete scheduled reports
delete_shiftCan delete shifts
delete_userCan delete users
delete_webhookCan delete webhooks
desk_assignment_new_agentCan assign agents to desks
desk_outsideHas access to all data not belonging to any desk
disable_pause_typeCan disable the Pause Types function
do_agent_logoutCan log out an agent via the realtime page
do_agent_pauseCan pause an agent via the realtime page
do_agent_whisperCan whisper to agents via the realtime page
download_agent_statsCan download the Agent Statistics report
download_cdrsCan download the CDRslist
download_queue_statsCan download the Queue Statistics report
download_recordingCan download call recordings from CDRs
edit_deskCan edit desks
edit_deviceCan edit devices
edit_outbound_identityCan edit outbound identities
edit_pause_typeCan edit pause types
edit_queue_managerCan edit the Queue Manager
edit_roleCan edit roles
edit_scheduled_reportCan edit scheduled reports
edit_shiftCan edit shifts
edit_userCan edit users
edit_webhookCan edit webhooks
fail_queued_requestCan mark a queued request as failed
filter_template_removeCan remove report templates
filter_template_saveCan save report templates
filter_template_useCan select report templates
listen_recordingCan listen to call recordings in the CDR list
print_agent_statsCan print the Agent Statistics report
print_cdrCan print CDRs
print_queue_statsCan print the Queue Statistics report
requeued_queued_requestCan send a queued request again
search_international_prefixCan search for an international prefix in the CDR list
search_tech_prefixCan search for a tech prefix in the CDR list
show_activity_logCan view the activity log
show_agentCan view agents
show_agent_statsCan view the Agent Statistics report
show_all_desksHas access to the data for all the desks, both on the Realtime page and in the reports
show_all_desks_realtimeCan view all the desks on the Realtime page, but can run reports only for the desks he/she is assigned to
show_all_desks_reportsCan run reports for all the desks, but can see the Realtime page only for the desks he/she is assigned to
show_cdrCan view the CDR List
show_cdr_eventCan view CDR events in the drop-down list
show_cdr_transferCan view all the transferred calls in the CDR list
show_costCan view the call cost
show_current_queuesCan view the Current Queues page
show_deskCan view the desk list
show_desk_dashboardCan view all the desks on the Realtime page
show_deviceCan view devices
show_device_passwordCan view device passwords
show_indexCan view the main dashboard
show_outbound_identityCan view outbound identities
show_pause_typeCan view pause types
show_queueCan view queues
show_queued_requestCan view queued requests
show_queue_managerCan view the queue manager
show_queue_statsCan view the Queue Statistics report
show_related_cdrCan view related CDRs in the drop-down list
show_roleCan view roles
show_scheduled_reportCan view scheduled reports
show_shiftCan view shifts
show_tasksCan view tasks
show_userCan view users
show_webhookCan view webhooks
task_downloadCan download exported reports from Tasks.

Special Permissions

Typical roles in a call center are the manager, the compliance manager, and the administrator.

The manager has permission to manage only the desks to which he/she is assigned.

The compliance manager has access to the CDRs so that he/she can listen to all the call recordings.

The administrator has permission to perform all the actions and settings in the system. However, there are three special permissions:

  • show_all_desk_reports
  • show_all_desks_realtime
  • show_all_desks

The example below explains in detail how special permissions work.



In the call center, there are two desks - Desk 1 and Desk 2.
​Manager A is assigned to Desk 1, and Manager B is assigned to Desk 2.
Both Manager A and Manager B are subordinate to Manager C.

Manager A, except for managing his desk, is responsible for preparing reports on the activity of the whole call center. This is why he is granted a role with show_all_desk_reports permission.

Manager B is in charge of real-time monitoring and must see the current data for all the agents in the call center. So, he is assigned a role with show_all_desks_realtime permission.

Manager C, to supervise Managers A and B, should have access to the desks under their control. He is granted a role with show_all_desks permission.