Save and download reports from the Stats by Agent and CDRs pages in PBX Stats. View report progress and download completed tasks in various formats.
The Tasks section shows reports saved from the Stats by Agent page and the following sections of the CDRs page:
- Agent Availability
- Call Disposition by Agent
- Agent Pauses
- CDRs List
After saving the report, the system creates a task and redirects you to the Tasks tab.

Tasks page
To download the necessary report, follow these steps:
Run the report in Stats by Agent or CDRs.
Click the save icon next to any statistics and select the save option.
Saving options selection
After saving, you are redirected to Tasks, where reports are generated.
Report generation may take some time. After it is ready, click Download next to any task to get the needed report.
The Tasks tab includes the following information:
Column | Explanation |
Name | The name of the task |
Type | The format of task saving (CSV, EXCEL, PDF) |
Created | The exact day and time when the task was created |
Progress | The percentage of the report processing |
Description | Additional details on the time period and the requester |
Download | Download buttons for each task. |
Updated 5 days ago