Call History

Find out how to view, filter, and manage recent call history, including call details and re-dial options, in both full and mini modes.

Full Mode

To view the list of your recent calls, click History at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of the **Call History** screen:** All** tab

Call History screen: All tab

The All tab displays all the calls made (incoming, outgoing, and missed). The Missed tab displays missed calls only.

Phone calls have color tags that correspond to the SIP account you used when making the call. Hover over the tag to see the SIP account name.

Screenshot of the screen with viewing number's call history details

Viewing number's call history details

If a SIP account through which you had made a call was then deleted, a color tag will be absent. To call the number from the call history again, click the dial button and select an available SIP account.

Screenshot of the screen with selecting available SIP account

Select available SIP account

Call Info



Call info is available in the full mode only.

To access the call info, hover over the needed call record and click the three dots. Here, you can see the type of the call, its day, time, duration, and status.

Screenshot of the **Call Info** button

Call Info button

Screenshot of the **Call Info** section

Call Info section

Mini Mode

To view the call history:

  1. Click the ellipsis button.

  2. In the drop-down menu that opens, click Call History.
    When you click the expand icon, you will be redirected to the History tab in the full mode.

    Screenshot of the **Call History** screen: mini mode

    Call History screen: mini mode