Voicemail Detection
Learn about CommPeak's free Answering Machine Detection (AMD) feature that automatically identifies voicemails, reduces agent idle time, and minimizes the impact on drop rates.
CommPeak customers can enable the free AMD feature. This feature identifies whether the call was answered by a human or not. Automatic voice mail detection can recognize up to 85 % of all Voicemail in the CommPeak Dialer, thus minimizing the time your agents spend on machine calls.
We would recommend that you enable this feature if you have a minimum of ten agents connected to your user group in the Dialer because enabling this feature will increase the agents' idle time and affect the Drop Rate. When the system detects a voicemail, it doesn't connect the call with an agent. It considers the call as answered but not passed to the agent and therefore counts it as a dropped call.
If you want to try the automatic voicemail detection in your CommPeak Dialer system, please submit a ticket to our support or contact your account manager. They will accept your request, give you more instructions, and explain the available settings.
Updated 6 days ago