Creating WhatsApp Streams

This article will walk you through creating a WhatsApp SMS stream step by step.

The Streams API in the CommPeak SMS platform provides WhatsApp routes for interacting with the WhatsApp platform.

To start, select Streams API in the main menu on the left and click Create Streams API on the page that opens. Then, choose WhatsApp in the pop-up window.

Screenshot of the stream type options: **WhatsAPP**

Stream type options: WhatsAPP

The Create New Stream wizard will load. Fill in the necessary information to complete each step.

Step 1: Stream API Details

Start with entering stream details.

  • Stream API name - enter a meaningful name to locate the stream quickly.

  • Stream API description - provide more information that will be visible when you open the stream.

  • Enable IP ACL - optionally, select the checkbox to limit access to the stream. Then, in the Add IP field, add one or more IP addresses from which you will make API calls. To add an IP, enter it and click Add.

  • Tags - create tags and apply them immediately to categorize your streams and quickly find the ones you need (optional). To add a tag, enter it in the field and then select from the drop-down.

    Screenshot of the Create New Stream page

    Create New Stream page

Click Save & Next to proceed to the next step.



You can save the stream as a draft on each step and then complete the rest at any time later.

Step 2: WhatsApp Settings

Provide your WhatsApp Business ID and permanent authentication token. Refer to this article to learn how to generate the token and where to get the ID.

Screenshot of the **WhatsApp settings** section

WhatsApp settings section

Click Save & Next to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Incoming Messages Webhook (optional)

Create a Webhook right away to receive incoming messages through the API.

  • URL - select the GET or POST method and enter the URL to which you want to send data.
  • HTTP Headers - optionally, provide the key name and value.

The requests' preview is available on the right. You can copy the request body while creating the webhook or reviewing the stream summary.

Screenshot of the **Incoming Message Webhook** section

Incoming Message Webhook section

You can skip this step for now. Otherwise, click Save & Next to proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Stream Summary

You can review stream details here.

You can find your existing Senders and templates created in WhatsApp Business in WhatsApp Settings. TextPeak will use them to send messages through this stream API.

Screenshot of the **WhatsApp settings** section

Reviewing WhatsApp settings section

The API requests preview is available on the right. You can copy the endpoint or request body immediately.

  • The initial conversation request is for the first message.

    Screenshot of the **Initial conversation request** section

    Initial conversation request section

  • The message with a media request ​is for conversations with images, videos, files, and other elements.

    Screenshot of the **Message with media request** section

    Message with media request section

  • The reply message request is for sending text messages in a reply. ​

    Screenshot of the **Reply message request** section

    Reply message request section

  • The webhook request will be displayed if a webhook was created in Step 3.​

    Screenshot of the **Webhook request** section

    Webhook request section

After you click Create Stream, a pop-up window appears. You can copy your authorization token here.​

Screenshot of the **Stream IP was created successfully** success window

Stream IP was created successfully success window

Finally, click Done. The new stream will appear at the top of your Streams API table.