Realtime Modules
Learn about the modules available on the Realtime page that allow you to monitor agents' real-time activities, view call center statistics, and access key actions and metrics through customizable grid or table layouts.
This article provides a detailed description of the Realtime page modules. The placement of modules is determined by the layout you select.
The Agents' module displays real-time details for all agents you are allowed to view according to your permissions and whose states are included in the selected state filters.
Click the icons on the right to switch between the grid and table views.

Icons for switching between grid and table
The grid view displays the real-time information about each call center agent in separate boxes.

Agents' grid
The agent boxes contain the following information:
Agent state.
Agent extension and name.
Agent Caller ID.
Destination country and number.
Agent state duration.
The three-dots menu in the top-right corner of the box.
Click the menu for additional actions, such as whispering.Drop-down menu with additional actions
Agents' Table
The table view displays the real-time data about each call center agent in table rows.

Agents' table
The columns in the agents' table are as follows:
Column | Description |
Agent | Agent’s state and name |
Ext | Agent's extension |
Type | Agent's calling mode |
Duration | Shows the duration of the current action |
Destination | Call destination (lead's country indicator and phone number) |
Extra info | Additional information about the call |
Avg. Idle | The average time the agent spends between calls. The first number is the average waiting time between calls, and the second number is the average time spent on filling out the feedback page. |
Lead Status | The last status of the lead |
Actions | Contains buttons and a three-dots menu for performing actions with the agent |
- Whisper - click to connect to the agent’s call, listen to it, and interact with the agent or the lead after pressing the relevant number:
- 2 to speak with the agent
- 1 to speak with the lead
- 3 to engage in a three-way conversation
- 0 to release.
General Info
The upper section of this module shows the total number of available, dialing, on-call, or on-break agents in the call center. The lower section shows the total number of incoming and outgoing calls.

General Info section
Activity by Desks
In this module, you can view the following summary statistics about groups:
- the number of online, in call, on break and dialing agents in each desk
- the total number of calls for the current day
- the Answer Seizure Ratio - ASR for the current day
- the total number of effective calls for the current day

Activity by Desks section
Inbound Calls
This module displays the total number of waiting calls, the average waiting time, and the waiting time of the current calls by queue.

Inbound Calls section
External Ongoing Calls
This module displays the total number of active external outgoing calls and their average duration. Below, you can see detailed data by destination.

External Outgoing Calls section
Updated 5 days ago