Alerts on Password Reset Requests

Discover how password reset actions are performed by users or administrators and the email notifications generated for these events.

Password Reset by User

  1. When users click the Forgot Password link on the login screen, they are prompted to enter their username or email address.

    Screenshot of login screen with Forgot Password? button highlighted

    Login screen with Forgot Password? button

  2. The users enter their email address or username and then click Reset Password.

    Screenshot of Forgot Your Password? page

    Forgot Your Password? page

  3. An email with a one-time link is sent to the user’s registered email address. The link is valid for 30 minutes.

    Screenshot of email with password reset link

    Email with password reset link

  4. After clicking the one-time link, the user can set a new password securely.

    Screenshot of password reset form

    Password reset form

Password Reset by Account Administrators

Account administrators can reset a user’s password by navigating to the User Management page as follows:

  1. Go to Actions > Select action menu for the desired user.

  2. Click Reset Password.

    Screenshot of the reset password action in the User Management page

    The reset password action in the User Management page

  3. A confirmation message will appear. Click Reset again to confirm.

    Screenshot of the Reset Password page

    Reset Password page

  4. If confirmed, a temporary password is assigned to the user and shown for several seconds to the administrator at the top of the screen. Copy the password and provide it to the user.

    Screenshot of temporary password

    Temporary password

  5. On their next login, the user must change the temporary password to a new secure one.

    Screenshot of Reset Password Required page

    Reset Password Required page

Email Notifications for Password Changes

Both password reset actions by users or administrators will trigger an email notification to the user. The email will include:

  • confirmation that the password was changed
  • details about the request, including the location of the user or administrator who initiated the password change.

This ensures transparency and provides an additional layer of security, allowing users to detect any unauthorized password changes.

Screenshot of the changed password notification

Changed password email alert