Setting Triggers in Make

Create triggers to send data to Make and set up further actions after customers respond to your SMS messages or click links.

Perform several steps as follows.

To elaborate further, visit the Webhooks in the Make Help Center.

Step 1: Start Creating a Scenario

  1. Click Create a new scenario at the top right of your organization page.

    Screenshot of the **Create a new scenario** button

    Create a new scenario button

  2. Give a name to your scenario.

    Screenshot of the screen with naming scenario

    Naming scenario

  3. Click + again.

Step 2: Set up a Trigger

  1. Search for CommPeak, click it, and select a trigger. Currently, we provide the following instant triggers:

    • Short URL clicks and

    • incoming SMS messages.

      Screenshot of the screen with setting up triggers

      Setting up triggers

  2. Click Create a webhook to add a Webhook.

    Screenshot of the **Create a webhook** dialog

    Create a webhook dialog

  3. Click Create a connection.

    Screenshot of the **Create a connection** option

    Create a connection option

  4. Enter the connection name and click Save.

    Screenshot of the **Create a connection** dialog

    Create a connection dialog

  5. Connect to your CommPeak Portal account. To do this, enter your credentials, complete the captcha authentication, and click LOGIN .

    Screenshot of the CommPeak login screen

    CommPeak login screen

  6. Authorize Make.

    Screenshot of the Authorization dialog

    Authorization dialog

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click OK. Your new trigger is ready and listening to incoming messages from CommPeak.

    Screenshot of the **Webhook** dialog

    Webhook dialog

Step 3: Add Another Module

In our example, we want to send a response via Slackbot.

  1. Click + Add another module.

  2. Find Slack and select it.

    Screenshot of the **+ Add another module** option

    + Add another module option

  3. Select an action.

  4. Create a connection with Slack and then provide permission to access your workspace.

    Screenshot of the screen with creating a connection with Slack

    Creating a connection with Slack

  5. Complete the action form and click OK.

    Screenshot of the screen with defining the connection with Slack

    Defining the connection with Slack

  6. Click Run once to test the scenario and enable it.

    Screenshot of the Testing scenario screen

    Testing scenario

    That's it! Your new scenario is active.

    Screenshot of the **All scenarios** tab

    All scenarios tab