Allowed Caller IDs
Manage your verified caller IDs, add new ones, and track their status with ease. Learn how to use the Allowed Caller IDs page in CommPeak Portal.
On the Allowed Caller IDs page, you can see the list of your Caller IDs verified for outgoing calls. It also offers a self-service for verifying the DID numbers you have purchased outside CommPeak and want to use for outgoing calls.
Trial users can have only one allowed Caller ID and no possibility to verify additional ones. To add more, top up your account.

Allowed Caller IDs page in CommPeak Portal
To access the page, in CommPeak Portal, expand VoIP Services in the left pane and select the Allowed Caller IDs tab.
The box at the top shows the number of allowed caller IDs you have. To add more, click Add Allowed Caller ID at the top right and start your External DID verification. Learn more about the External DID verification process here.
Here you can also check if your number has been verified. Just enter it in the search box and click Search.
Below, there is a table displaying details about your verified DID numbers.
Field | Explanation |
Number | Caller ID number |
Caller ID Type | Two options are available: - CommPeak DID - for DIDs bought from CommPeak - External DID - for DIDs verified via a phone call or other means |
Added by | The email address of the account user who added the number. "System" shows that a CommPeak employee has added the DID for you. |
Added Date | The time and date when this number was added to the list |
Last Verified | The last time this number got a positive response from our verification call bot |
Delete | Click the button to remove the number from the list. |
Updated 12 days ago