Analytics and Insights
Get detailed insights into your SMS campaigns with TextPeak's analytics features.
The Analytics & Insights tab of Campaigns lets you view statistics on selected campaigns.
Alternatively, you can open Analytics and Insights right from the Campaigns table.
- To view analytics, navigate to Campaigns in the main menu, locate a campaign in the table, and click Analytics from the three-dot menu on the right side of the row.

Analytics option
- If you haven’t chosen any SMS Campaign, you will see a block with information on the recent campaign: campaign name, recipient list name, start date, and status. Click View Details to open the side panel with general statistics and data for each text variant used for SMS AB Testing.

Side panel with campaign statistics and data
- To start, you must select up to 3 campaigns in the Choose Campaign drop-down menu to show the relevant information below.

Analytics and Insights page
- The page loads cards with short information about chosen campaigns. Click View Details to load more data.

View Details button
- The Click rate statistics block below shows the analytical data about the whole campaign. Toggle the Show Variants slider to break it by message variants.
- Hover over the charts to view additional information about the sent messages, clicked links, and opted-out contacts.

Show variants toggle
- The following section, Average time to open the message, shows statistics on when the messages were sent and the average duration between delivering a message and opening a link. Each line in the chart represents a campaign.

Avg. time to open the message section
Updated 6 days ago