FreshSales / FreshWorks Click2Call
Learn about FreshSales / FreshWorks integration with CommPeak Click2Call: how to install the CommPeak app and make calls from your CRM.
This guide explains how to integrate your FreshSales / FreshWorks account with CommPeak Dialer or Cloud PBX Click2Call using the CommPeak app, enabling you to make calls directly from your FreshSales / FreshWorks CRM through your softphone client.
Installing the CommPeak Application
Before you start, please obtain the CommPeak App installation file from the CommPeak team and download it to your computer.
To install the application:
In your FreshSales / FreshWorks account, go to Settings > Admin Settings in the main menu.
Scroll down to the Marketplace and Integrations section and select Marketplace Apps.
Marketplace Apps in the CRM
Click the Manage Apps button in the top right corner.
The Manage Apps button
On the page that opens, click Go To Developer Portal.
Go to Developer Portal button
Log in to the developer portal with your account.
Click New App.
New App button
On the Create a new app page, select Custom App.
Browse for the installation file or drag and drop it to the upload area.
Specify the app's name in the text box below and click Proceed.
Entering the app's name
On the next page that opens, fill in the app information, optionally upload the icon and app screenshots, and click Save and Publish.
Publishing the app
The application will appear on the Custom Apps tab. Click Install next to the application.

The Configuration page opens. Fill out the required settings:
a. FreshSales / FreshWorks domain name
b. Dialer or Cloud PBX domain
c. API Key from the API settings.Configuration page
Click Install.
Making Calls
Once the installation is complete, follow the steps below to call your leads.
In your FreshSales / FreshWorks account, navigate to Leads and click the lead you wish to call. This will open the lead page.
Expand the sidebar on the left and click the CommPeak app.
If the CommPeak app is unavailable on the sidebar, you need to click the settings button, find the app in the list, and activate the checkbox next to it.

The Settings button
- Log in with your Dialer or Cloud PBX credentials.

Logging in
If you have more than one suggested phone number, select the needed one in the drop-down list. Then click Start a call.
- The system will initiate a call to your Dialer or Cloud PBX softphone client. We are using the built-in softphone. The incoming call looks as follows:

The incoming call
Click accept to answer the call.
Once you accept, the system will call your lead.
After the lead answers, a call will be established.
Establishing a call with the lead
Ensure that your IPs are included in the Public Recordings ACL to access call recordings via the CRM widget.
Updated 6 days ago