Zoho Click2Call

Instructions for integrating your Zoho CRM with CommPeak Click2Call, enabling seamless call functionality from within your CRM.

Here's a step-by-step guide to integrating your Zoho account with the CommPeak Dialer or Cloud PBX Click2Call using the CommPeak app. This setup will allow you to call your leads directly from Zoho CRM using your softphone client or IP phone.

Step 1: Install the Integration App

  1. Start by connecting your CRM with CommPeak via Zoho One-Click Integration.

  2. Enter your Zoho credentials to log in to your CRM account.

    Screenshot with Zoho sign-in window

    Zoho sign-in window

  3. Choose a CRM production account to connect with CommPeak.

    Screenshot with choosing a CRM production account

    Choosing a CRM production account

  4. Provide permissions to CommPeak to access your data - click Accept.

    Screenshot with granting access to CommPeak

    Granting access to CommPeak

  5. Enter your CommPeak Portal account credentials, verify that you are human, and click Login.

    Screenshot with entering CommPeak credentials

    Entering CommPeak credentials

  6. Select your CommPeak account and then click Authorize.

    Screenshot with authorizing Zoho

    Authorizing Zoho

  7. The system will redirect you to the CommPeak Portal home page.

✔️ Congratulations! The installation is complete.

Step 2: Add Click2Call Integration

  1. In your CommPeak Dialer or Cloud PBX, go to Settings > Click2Call Integrations and click Create New Click2Call.

    Screenshot with the Create New Click2Call button

    Create New Click2Call button

  2. Enter data for your new integration:

    1. Click2Call General Information:

      • Click2Call name: specify the name of your integration to be able to find it in the list.​

      • CRM name: select Click2Call Zoho.

      • Allowed IPs: enter the IP addresses you want to authorize for Click2Call integration, separated by commas.

      • Activate Click2Call: use the toggle to activate the integration or turn it off as needed.

        Screenshot with general information about Click2Call

        General information about Click2Call

    2. Zoho Information:

      • Zoho Companies: select the option available after the installation in Step 1.

      • Zoho mapping agents: connect your remote Zoho agents to CommPeak Dialer or Cloud PBX agents. Here, you can set which user extension rings when your agent initiates a Click2Call in Zoho CRM.

      • Custom Click2Call Fields for Call Records List (CDRs): these are parameters available for updates on the Zoho side. Contact the support team or your account manager if you want to add any parameters here.

        Screenshot with Zoho information

        Zoho information

        Screenshot with the fields for adding custom parameters

        Fields for adding custom parameters

  3. Click Add New Click-to-Call.

Step 3: Review Webhook Adapter Settings

Dialer or Cloud PBX will automatically create a Webhhok adapter that updates real-time call details in your Zoho CRM. If you want to review or change the update requests, act as follows:

  1. Go to Settings > Webhooks Management.
  2. Find your new Zoho C2C webhook and click the edit icon.

Webhook General Info and Custom Click2Call Settings are set automatically, there is no need to make any changes.

Screenshot with the webhook adapter settings

Webhook adapter settings

Field Mapping allows you to add more call details to the ones sent to your Zoho CRM. The system automatically populates the most commonly needed details for your CRM.

Screenshot with the webhook field mapping

Webhook field mapping

Hangup Cause Mapping allows you to manage the name of the call hangup event. The system automatically populates your CRM with the most commonly needed details.

Screenshot with custom hangup call mapping

Custom hangup call mapping

Step 4: Make a Test Call

Once the installation is complete, follow the steps below to call your leads.

  1. Go to your Zoho CRM account and select Leads in the main menu.

  2. Find the contact you wish to call and then click the dial button next to its phone number.

    Screenshot with the dial button in contact details

    The dial button in contact details



Alternatively, open the contact card and then click the green dial button.

  1. The system will trigger a call to your softphone client. In our example, we are using the built-in softphone. Click accept to answer the call.
Screenshot with incoming call to the softphone account

Incoming call to your softphone account

  1. Once you answer, the system will call your lead. After the lead answers, a call will be established.
Screenshot of the call with a lead

Call with a lead

You can view the whole Click2Call process in the following video:

Video with Click2Call process

Click2Call process



Upon completing a CommPeak Click2Call in Zoho, no additional actions are required from your side. Preset CDR list will be automatically pushed to your Zoho CRM account.

This data transfer follows the field mapping defined in the webhook adapter settings, as outlined in Step 3.