Call Center Regions

Learn how to set up and manage multiple call center regions within your account to optimize connectivity and communication. This article covers key steps, including viewing available regions, checking network metrics, adding new regions, and assigning users to the best server locations.

With the new Call Center Regions feature, you can configure and manage multiple regions within your CommPeak Dialer or Cloud PBX account. Each region corresponds to a dedicated FreeSWITCH server, allowing users to connect to a server with the best network parameters for their physical location.

This setup reduces latency, leading to faster call connections, clearer voice quality, and more stable communication. Additionally, administrators can quickly assign or reassign agents to different regions as needed, ensuring optimal call routing and performance.

If you wish to enable Call Center Regions, contact the support team or your account manager.



If managers want to whisper to agent calls, they must be in the same region as the agents.

Available Regions

The Call Center Regions page shows three available regions. You can check connectivity and link the region to your tenant.

To view the regions available to your account:

  1. Go to Settings > General Settings and then switch to the Call Center Regions tab.

  2. The system will start calculating ping and jitter stats for three selected server locations closest to you.

  3. Screenshot of the Call Center Regions tab

    The Call Center Regions tab

    After a brief moment, the system will display the calculated ping and jitter values, highlighted in different colors. Green indicates optimal connectivity, orange means a neutral status, and red warns of bad connectivity.

    Screenshot of ping and jitter for regions

    Ping and jitter for regions



If your desired region is not displayed and you would like to include it, contact your Dialer or CloudPBX manager.

You can move yourself and your agents to a region with better connectivity. To do this, first add a new region and then update the user settings.

Connect New Region

To add a new region:

  1. Click Create New Call Center Region in the top-right.

  2. Complete the following details:

    1. Enter the region name, which will be used as a name for a new subdomain.

    2. Select a desired server location from the drop-down list.

    3. Enter additional information in the description as needed.

      Screenshot of adding a call center region

      Adding a call center region

  3. Click Create. The system will add a new subdomain for your account domain and take some time to set up the DNS. After it has been completed, you can assign users to the new region.

    Screenshot of active regions

    Active regions

Assign Users to Regions

If you use several call center regions, you can assign users to any region as you wish. You can do this by adjusting settings for an individual user or for multiple users simultaneously.



When a user’s region settings are changed, it may take up to two minutes for the update to take effect.

To assign users to regions:

  1. On the Call Center Regions page, find the region in the list of active regions. Then click on the number of users in the Users column. This will redirect you to the User Management page.

    Screenshot of assigning users to regions

    Assigning users to regions

Alternatively, go to Users>Users Management.

  1. Modify user settings for a single user or in bulk.

    • Single change:
    1. Locate the user in the list, then select Edit from the Actions column.

      Screenshot of modifying settings for a single user

      Modifying settings for a single user

    2. Select a new region from the Related Call Center Region drop-down list.

      Screenshot of selecting a region

      Selecting a region

    3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

    • Multiple users:
    1. Select multiple users, then choose the Assign Call Center Region option and the desired region above the table."

      Screenshot of modifying user settings in bulk

      Modifying user settings in bulk

    2. Click Process.



If your agents use third-party softphones, they must register again after connecting to a different region. Click the user avatar in the top-right to find out the assigned domain for registration.

Screenshot of the assigned user domain in the profile

Assigned user domain in the profile

Reports and Statistics

We've introduced several new reports under Reports>Network Stats to support the multi-region connections. For more details, please refer to a separate article about the Network Stats reports.