SIP Calls Analysis

A list of SIP Calls Analysis report errors to notify users of account configuration and setup errors.

The SIP Calls Analysis report is emailed to inform users about account setup errors so they can resolve them and improve their account configurations, behavior, and call filtering.



Make sure to enable the corresponding option in the Account Settings > Notifications tab to get real-time errors alerts.

Screenshot of the SIP Calls Analysis report optrion enabled

SIP Calls Analysis report optrion enabled



We will not send you the same kind of error again within a span of 48 hours; this way, you will have time to fix it.

Errors Explained

The following table contains descriptions of account configuration and setup errors SIP users may have.

Error CodeReasonDescription
100Tech prefix or Call planCalls failed due to not existing tech prefix or call plan.
Check all available call plans or tech prefixes on the CommPeak portal.
102/103Unverified Caller ID'sYou are making outbound calls from unverified Caller IDs. Click Fix the issue to verify the Caller IDs or contact our support team to purchase DIDs from CommPeak.
105Working daysCalls are being blocked as they can only be made during workdays defined in your account's working days settings.
To adjust your workdays, set your schedule on the CommPeak portal.
106Working hoursCalls are being blocked as they can only be made during working hours defined in your account's working hour settings.
Set your schedule on the CommPeak portal to adjust your working hours.
10724 hours limitCalls have been blocked because they reached the maximum usage limit within 24 hours. You can set your limits on the CommPeak portal.
108Blocked by CommPeakCommPeak blocks calls because you have allowed CommPeak to block suspicious traffic. If you wish to change this behavior (not recommended), you can do it in the Rule Settings tab. Please check the Proactive Account Monitoring article to learn how to manage and create VoIP rules in the CommPeak portal.
111Repetitive dialingMultiple redials on the same numbers temporarily block you from calling a specific destination. Please contact CommPeak support for more details.
Recommendation: Reduce repeated dialing to the same destination numbers.
133Third-party numberThe destination is limited to calling only with CommPeak's DIDs. Please use CommPeak's DID as the Caller ID or order a DID by contacting our support.
134Non-business hoursCalls to certain countries dialed outside business hours are rejected due to CommPeak's Calling Hours Restriction. Please make sure to call this destination only during business hours.
140/141Price limitsYou can’t make calls to some destinations because of price limits.
To resolve the issue, you must modify the Rate Cap Settings by adjusting the limits on the CommPeak Portal.