Manual Dialing Routes

Learn how to manage manual dialing Caller IDs and routes for PBX calls.

In your Dialer or Cloud PBX, you can create routes to call from PBX. Routes allow you to specify how and for whom the calls are made.

This article explains how to add a new route to your system. First, you must add Caller IDs and then create manual routes.

Adding Manual Dialing Caller IDs

The Manual Dialing Caller IDs section allows you to add Caller IDs for calling via PBX. To access this section, select Settings > Outbound Configurations in the main menu, then switch to the Manual Dialing Caller IDs tab.

Screenshot of the Manual DIaling Caller IDs section

Manual DIaling Caller IDs section



Please verify the phone number in your CommPeak Portal account before using it as a Caller ID.

Click Create New Caller ID at the top right to add a new manual Caller ID. Then, enter its number and name and click Create.

Screenshot of adding a Caller ID

Adding a Caller ID

If you attempt to enter an unverified number, the system will display an error similar to the following:

Screenshot of the error when adding an unverified number

Error when adding an unverified number

You can immediately enable the Caller ID and use it in the dialing routes. To temporarily deactivate the ID, slide the toggle to the left in the Enabled column. To remove a Caller ID, use the Delete icon in the Actions column.

Screenshot of deactivating or removing Caller IDs

Deactivating or removing Caller IDs

Creating Manual Dialing Routes

The Manual Dialing Routes section allows you to add routes for calling via PBX. Select Settings > Outbound Configurations in the main menu, then switch to the Manual Dialing Routes tab.

You can arrange similar routes by groups. For example, a group can include routes within a country. Click Expand All to view all groups, or click + to expand a specific group.

Screenshot of the Manual Dialing Routes tab

Manual Dialing Routes tab



You need to have at least one route group already set up to add a new route.

We will show you how to create a group and then add routes within that group.

To create a manual dialing route:

  1. Click Add New Group at the top right.

  2. Enter a route group name.

    Screenshot of adding a route group

    Adding a route group

  3. Click Create.

  4. Click + New Route in the group.

    Screenshot of adding a route to a group

    Adding a route to a group

  5. Click the plus icon on the right to expand an explanation about parameters in the outbound route expressions.
    Enter route name. You can just turn off the route if you'd like to use it later.

    Screenshot of the new route settings

    New route settings

  6. Select users and/or desks from drop-down lists to assign the route to. If no selection is made, the route will be active for all users and desks.

    Screenshot of assigning users and desks to the route

    Assigning users and desks to the route

  7. Select Caller IDs and trunk rules from the drop-down lists. By default, choose the main outbound route unless you have third-party trunks.

    Screenshot of selecting Caller IDs and trunk rules

    Selecting Caller IDs and trunk rules

  8. Add new dialing patterns and reorder them based on priority. Click the Add New Dial Pattern button to add more patterns.

    Screenshot of adding dialing patterns

    Adding dialing patterns

  9. If you are unsure what information to enter in the prepend, prefix, and match pattern boxes, click Use Wizard to get a tip about the pattern parts:

    1. Enter a prepend, then click Next.

      Screenshot of entering a prepend

      Entering a prepend

    2. Select a prefix option, then click Next.

      Screenshot of selecting a prefix option

      Selecting a prefix option

    3. Enter a match expression, then click Finish.

      Screenshot of entering a match expression

      Entering a match expression

  10. Click Add Route.

After adding a new route, you can modify, disable, or remove it if necessary. To do so, navigate to the desired route and use the available controls.

Screenshot of controls for managing routes

Controls for managing routes