Update User

This Update user endpoint allows you to update the details of a specific user. You should add the id as a variable and the fields to update in the request body.

Request Body Parameters

  • id (number): The unique identifier of the user.
  • username (string): The username of the user.
  • email (string): The email address of the user.
  • is_active (number): Indicates if the user is active.
  • sip_uri (string): The SIP URI of the user.
  • is_deleted (number): Indicates if the user is deleted.
  • use_extended_ip_acl (number): Indicates if the user uses extended IP ACL.
  • user_route_caller_id (number): The caller ID for user routing.
  • predictive_dynamic_extension (string): The dynamic extension for predictive dialing.
  • timezone_id (number): The timezone identifier for the user.
  • first_name (string): The first name of the user.
  • last_name (string): The last name of the user.
  • virtual_extension (string): The virtual extension of the user.
  • default_language (string): The default language for the user.
    • en_US - English (United States)
    • es_ES - Spanish (Spain)
    • pt_BR - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • ru_RU - Russian (Russia)
  • max_session_time (string): The maximum session time for the user.
  • max_concurrent_sessions (string): The maximum concurrent sessions for the user.
  • twofa_type (string): The two-factor authentication type for the user.
    • default - Default from Role / Tenant
    • disabled - Disabled - login without 2FA
    • email - Email - with one-time code
    • google - Google 2FA App - with one-time code
  • member_all_skill_groups (string): Indicates if the user is a member of all skill groups.
  • member_all_desks (string): Indicates if the user is a member of all desks.
  • registration_password (string): The registration password for the user.
  • is_clockedin (string): Indicates if the user is clocked in.
  • is_predictive_clockedin (string): Indicates if the user is predictive clocked in.
  • use_webrtc (number): Indicates if the user uses WebRTC.
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