Update Campaign leads

Use this endpoint to update campaign leads fields. You should specify the following parameters in the request body:

Request Body

  • where - allow to update by campaign lead ids
  • update - key/value pairs to update the filtered campaign leads from the were. update separated to cmapaign lead entities and lead entities.
    • lead entities:
      first_name, last_name, phone, phone_normalized, phone2, phone_normalized2, address1, address2, state, city, zip, lat, lng, timezone, timezone_id, original_identifier, support_site, purchase_site, purchase_date, purchase_amount, purchase_product_name, purchase_card_name, purchase_card_type, purchase_card_digits, email, birthdate, loan_amount, call_after, call_after_outside_allowed_time
    • campaign_lead entities:
      status_id, created_at, updated_at, assigned_user_id, assigned_at, assigned_user_permanent, call_after, weight, is_deleted, clone_of, updating_status_started_at, permanent_assignment_expire_at, call_after_outside_allowed_time, no_ratio, calls_count, amd_disabled, outbound_ivr_disabled, override_trunk_id
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