Create comment

The Create comment API endpoint allows you to create a new comment for a campaign lead id. You should add the following fields in the request body:

Request Body

  • creator_user_id (string, required): The ID of the user creating the comment.
  • campaign_lead_id (string, required): The ID of the campaign lead related to the comment.
  • body (string, required): The content of the comment.


The response will be a JSON object with a comments array containing the newly created comment object. Each comment object includes the following fields:

  • id (string): The unique identifier of the comment.
  • campaign_lead_id (string): The ID of the campaign lead related to the comment.
  • creator_user_id (string): The ID of the user who created the comment.
  • body (string): The content of the comment.
  • created_at (string): The timestamp of when the comment was created.
  • success (boolean): Indicates whether the request was successful.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!